Christmas Candlelight Tour of homes set for December 2
The Daily News Journal, November 10, 2017 Usher in the holiday season with an enchanting tour of historic homes and landmarks. The annual Oaklands Christmas Candlelight Tour of Homes is slated for Dec. 2 from 4-8 p.m. in Murfreesboro. The tour, will feature beautiful and historic buildings, and as always,…
Ben “Buddy” Brown Passes Away

WGNS Radio, Murfreesboro, TN, November 10, 2017 Lascassas icon Ben “Buddy” Brown, Jr. has passed away. Brown and his wife Linda operated Brown’s Store on Lascassas Highway, a community meeting place, complete with regulars, gossipers and bologna sandwiches. Buddy and Linda operated the store from 1981 until the store closed…
Murfreesboro home on Main Street marries history with modern life
Barrett Photography Studio, Daily News Journal, June 23, 1974

You know, we come across some fun and interesting items at the Rutherford County Historical Society. Everyday reminds me Christmas. We opened a time capsule from September 27, 1973 at the Murfreesboro (Tennessee) Police Department this past September (September 22, 2017). We since have digitized a two-foot thick stack newspapers…
Brown’s Chapel and Asbury Church were early Methodist congregations in Blackman
Council ranks Gulch developer & Murfreesboro group as top 2 proposals for historic church

Scott Broden, The Daily News Journal, November 3, 2017 The Murfreesboro City Council ranked Nashville’s Gulch developer and Murfreesboro Investment Group as top applicants of four to redevelop downtown’s historic former First United Methodist Church. “It’s pretty clear the top one and top two,” Mayor Shane McFarland said. The council…
Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker talks of when was Murfreesboro Founded?
1963 – New Rutherford County Jail Open House
The Daily News Journal, February 1, 1963
Howard baker Campaign pass through Murfreesboro!

From ‘Clinchfield No. 1: Tennessee’s Legendary Steam Engine: “Tennessee Republican Senator Howard Baker took little for granted. Ten days before the 1972 election, he launched a whistle-stop tour on a ninety-year-old locomotive once used to rescue victims of the Johnston flood. Redubbed the ‘Baker Cannonball’ by Roy Acuff, the ‘Rosebud’ was met…
Ghosts Abound in this County
Storyteller Marty Luffman shares haunted history
1973 Murfreesboro Police, Fire, Sanitation and Streets Salaries

October 23, 2017, Frank Caperton, President of the RCHS I received a call from Murfreesboro Police Department about a month ago concerning an upcoming 1973 time capsule opening at the ‘old’ Murfreesboro Police Department once located on South Church Street, near City Hall and the Linebaugh Library. Within this time…
Burrus Cemetery Clean Up

October 21, 2017, Burrus Cemetery, Rutherford County, Tennessee Many thanks to RCHS Board member Allen Gooch for his dedication to cemeteries throughout middle Tennessee. Recently Allen cleaned up the Burrus Cemetery, located north of Murfreesboro. You can see the Burrus home in the back of the cemetery. The Burrus home…
Tour of Old Jefferson, October 21, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017, Old Jefferson (Rutherford County) Tennessee Past RCHS President and Jefferson native Toby Francis gave a tour to a large group of local history enthusiasts Saturday, October 21. Perfect weather, fellowship and thirst for knowledge of OUR local history ensured a most wonderful tour. Toby Francis grew up…
1960 Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce Annual Report
McFadden School of Excellence field trip to The Hermitage

The Hermitage, Hermitage, Tennessee, October 19, 2017 Educator Jennifer Mayfield Austin teaches 4th and 5th grade history at McFadden School of Excellence, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Recently Mrs. Austin and her students were ‘Docent for a Day’ at the historic ‘Hermitage’, of President Andrew Jackson fame.
Stones River Paranormal Team Presentation
Stones River Paranormal Society presented to the RCHS Monday Night

WGNS Radio, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, October 16, 2017 The Rutherford County Historical Society had a spirit filled gathering Monday (10/16/2017) evening in the County Archives Building on Rice Street. Stones River Paranormal presented findings from local investigations. Paranormal John McKinney was one of the founders who started the group in March,…
Auto parts distribution or historic preservation?

Sam Stockard, The Murfreesboro Post, October 17, 2017 More than 150 years after Union and Confederate troops shed blood here, Friends of Stones River National Battlefield is waging its own fight: an effort to forge a partnership with Murfreesboro for the purchase of a proposed O’Reilly Auto Parts distribution site.…
The Historic Sam Davis Home could still be inhabited by original residents
MTSU Sidelines, Connor Burnard, October 19, 2017 The 19th century plantation was home to the Davis family, known and named for Confederate soldier Sam Davis, who was hanged in 1863 by Union General Grenville Dodge after being charged as a spy. As a popular historic tourist destination in Smyrna opened…