Measles saved general from Alamo fate
Confederate descendant puts Civil War women in spotlight in March 18 lecture

Murfreesboro Post, March 3, 2016 A direct descendant of two Confederate great-grandfathers will reveal the contributions of the women of the Civil War in an upcoming lecture. Shirley Farris Jones, who retired from MTSU’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures after more than 30 years of service, will speak about…
Haslam gets bill to make it harder to remove controversial statues

Joel Ebert, The Tennessean, March 2, 2016 One day after the top two leaders in Congress rebuked Republican front-runner Donald Trump for his slow disavowal of a former Ku Klux Klan leader, the Tennessee state Senate approved a bill making it more difficult to remove statues or monuments named after controversial figures, sending the…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

March 1, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Banquet to mark Bradley Museum’s 20th year

The Daily News Journal, February 27, 2016 MURFREESBORO — Tickets are on sale for the annual Willie McGowan Banquet, with this year’s event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the efforts to preserve Bradley Academy Museum and Cultural Center. With a theme of “Honoring the Legacy of Our Unsung Heroes,” this…
News from the Forrest Hall Debate

Local historians – if you failed to attend the first or second Forrest Hall forums, you missed an opportunity to uphold the belief that history isn’t black, history isn’t white – history is read. Wednesday night’s forum, the second forum of three, was held at Rutherford County’s Lane AgriCenter on John…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

Feburary 23, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Harber’s History Lessons: Bettie Blackmore’s journal shares horrors of Civil War
African-American History Celebration at the Stones River National Battlefield

Frank Caperton, Friends of the Stones River National Battlefield, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, February 20, 2016 Saturday witnessed a grand celebration of the contribution of the USCT (United States Colored Troops) make during the War Between the States and a continuation of the celebration of the community once known as Cemetery.
Emancipation Proclamation a misnomer for Rutherford

Greg Tucker, Murfreesboro Post, February 18, 2016 President Abraham Lincoln‘s proclamation on Jan, 1, 1863, did not free slaves in Rutherford County, or anywhere else in Tennessee. Compared to other sections of the South, Rutherford County had few large plantations relying on slave labor in the years before the Civil…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

Feburary 17, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Michael Doubler, great grandson of uncle Dave Macon. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

Feburary 16, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
MTSU announces second Forrest Hall forum date
City reaches $1.55M deal on church

Scott Broden, Daily News Journal, February 9, 2016 MURFREESBORO — The city government announced Monday it reached a $1.55 million agreement with Franklin Synergy Bank for the acquisition of 1.9 acres of property on the corner of East College and Church Street. The bank operates in the former First United…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

February 9, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Citizens flood meeting over drainage concerns
Connie Esh, Murfreesboro Post, February 8, 2016 In a rare five-hour meeting Wednesday night that lasted past midnight, the Murfreesboro Planning Commission deferred action on a West Thompson Lane development opposed by about 20 of its neighbors who attended the meeting and spoke. However, protests by preservationists and others who…
Oak Grove School, 1888-1938
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

February 2, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

January 26, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Debate over historic home continues

Scott Broden, the Daily News Journal, January 25, 2016 MURFREESBORO — Neighbors continue to oppose 269 proposed apartments despite the developer promising to preserve a 207-year-old house as a residence for the property manager. “It doesn’t make me happy at all,” Tammie Cleek told the developers during a Thursday night meeting…