Harber’s History Lesson: Rucker helped to establish Rutherford County
Harber’s History Lesson, Daily News Journal, November 30, 2014, Susan Harber I have always enjoyed studying Thomas Rucker (1759-1843), originally from Amherst County, Virginia, as our forefather in Rutherford County. What struck me about this man was his intelligence and keen acumen for business. A 1797 deed indicates Rucker acquired land…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

December 16, 2014, WGNS Radio Truman visits with lifelong Rutherford County Historian Gregg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Remember Rutherford: Christmas Creek namesake was no Santa Claus

Remembering Rutherford, Daily News Journal, December 14, 2014, Greg Tucker Andrew Jackson, Tennessee’s first congressman, uncovered evidence of “suspicious” activity in the administration of the land grants given to Revolutionary War veterans. Further investigation led to revelations of massive land fraud implicating senior officials in Tennessee and North Carolina. …
Harber’s History Lesson: Wedding of Morgan, Ready provided Confederate social event
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

December 2, 2014, WGNS Radio Truman visits with lifelong Rutherford County Historian Gregg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Harber’s History Lesson: Fine restoration of McCord house provides true gem

Harber’s History Lesson, Daily News Journal, November 30, 2014, Susan Harber One of the most beautifully restored abodes in the county is the 1882 McCord home in Eagleville, nestled among the sloping, tree-lined surrounding hills. In 1984, the estate was placed on the National Register of Historic Sites after a major…
Remembering Rutherford: Diary provides real story of Confederate renegade

Remembering Rutherford, Daily News Journal, November 23, 2014, Gregg Tucker A renegade Confederate terrorized Rutherford County residents, killing one, before he was mortally wounded by a victim’s neighbor. It is factually correct that Dewitt “Dee” Smith was a Rutherford native from the Mechanicsville community. He fought with the Confederate forces…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

November 18, 2014, WGNS Radio Truman visits with lifelong Rutherford County Historian Gregg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Harber’s History Lesson: River carries Stone’s legacy
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

November 10, 2014, WGNS Radio Truman visits with lifelong Rutherford County resident Nelson Smotherman. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Remembering Rutherford: Name duplication confuses two City Café businesses
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

November 4, 2014, WGNS Radio Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Gregg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones and…
Harber’s History Lesson: Key served as ‘go-getter’ in political, historical work
Three sisters in black: An unsolved mystery
Gloria Shacklett Christy, The Murfreesboro Post, October 26, 2014 With medical satchel in hand, Dr. Herbert Simmons, the local coroner, climbed onto the porch steps. He was responding to a call received at the East Orange, N.J., headquarters only a little while before at 4:40 p.m. On the other line,…
Elks’ Stone Tablet Odyssey – a Rutherford Mystery

Remembering Rutherford, Daily News Journal, October 25, 2014, Gregg Tucker Elks’ Stone Tablet Odyssey – a Rutherford mystery The stone tablet apparently survived a move and a demolition, but ran out of engraving space five years before the demise of the Elks. Lodge No. 1029 of the Brotherhood & Protective…
History celebrated at the Murfreesboro Fire Department Vine Street Location

WGNS Radio, 1450AM, 101.5 FM (www.wgnsradio.com), October 22, 2014 Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue Department will host an open house Saturday, October 25 from 1:00 -3:00 pm at the Headquarters fire station located at 202 E. Vine Street to celebrate the building turning 50. The event is open to the public.…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

October 21, 2014, WGNS Radio Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Gregg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones and…
Liberty Hill still provides heirloom
East Main mansion hitting the auction block
Joseph Palmer’s Sulphur Spring was Blount’s Lick

Remembering Rutherford, Daily News Journal, October 12, 2014, Gregg Tucker The “large spring” was on land owned by Maj. Reading Blount. Early Davidson County settlers called it “Blount’s Lick.” Before the Civil War, the “large spring” was part of the Sulphur Spring farm owned by the former mayor of Murfreesboro.…