The January-Knight-Elliott-Jacobs home
July 1, 2019, by Barry Lamb This house bore witness to two great events in Murfreesboro history. The first event occurred on July 13, 1862 when Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Confederate cavalry stormed up East Main Street toward the court house and the surrounding environs to attack Union troops who…
Kittrell Girls’ Basketball 1921
Central High School Class of ‘69 Ladies have Family Ties to Murfreesboro History
July 1, 2019, by Carol White Patricia Todd Nelson was born in 1951 to Charles and Margaret Todd of Second Avenue. She went to Campus School from first thru eighth grade, walking to school until her parents moved to Bellwood. Charles Todd was the owner of Todd Furniture once located…
Saturday, July 13, 12:30PM
Murfreesboro Mayors: 11-15
July 1, 2019, A Series by Barry Lamb Fisher, Edward, born in 1800, came to Murfreesboro from North Carolina during the 1810s. He was one of the organizers of the Murfreesboro Methodist Episcopal Church in 1821. He married Martha Ann Hartwell, daughter of Armistead and Martha Ann Gholson Hartwell of…
Link School, 1858
Monday, July 15, 7:00PM
Wilson Hill School, 1860’s-1878
Plans FINALIZED To Develop 1-Square Block Downtown
June 28, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) The City of Murfreesboro finalized the closing Friday (6/28/2019) with One East College, LLC on downtown property for the area’s first mixed-use development. The development, on property known as the former First United Methodist Church location, will incorporate office, residential, retail, restaurant, and hotel…
Historian – Community Leader Frank Caperton Honored

June 27, 2019, WGNS Radio State Representative Mike Sparks (R-Smyrna) recognized Frank Caperton of Murfreesboro with a House Proclamation for his outstanding work as president of the Rutherford County Historical Society and his leadership in the local community. Caperton moved to Murfreesboro, Tennessee to attend Middle Tennessee State University in…
Valley View School, 1902-1918
Central Academy (Barfield), 1887-1913
Barfield School, 1913-1958
WOMAN’S CLUB: Have Fun While Preserving History!

June 15, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) The Woman’s Club of Murfreesboro is hosting its 2nd Annual Legacy Gathering fundraiser to preserve their historic house is set for 5-9PM on Saturday evening, July 20, 2019 at the Tasty Table, 215 North Church Street. This event is being underwritten by The Villages…
Juneteenth Celebration held in Murfreesboro
June 14, 2019,Michael Linn White, Murfreesboro City TV Channel 3
Celebrating African American Freedom in Murfreesboro

June 12, 2019, WGNS Radio Celebrating the freedom of African Americans will be the focus of an event in Murfreesboro this month. Local resident Mary Watkins helps to organize the annual event. The JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION will be at Bradley Academy Museum and Cultural Center (415 South Academy Street). This year’s…
Monday, June 17, 7:00PM

Monday, June 17, Rutherford County Archive, 435 Rice Street: Senator Andy Womack will be sharing his experiences from Central high School, to his service in Vietnam, to his twelve years as a senator in the Tennessee General Assembly. Andy and his family moved to Murfreesboro in 1957 when Andy where…
5,000 persons see Armistice Day Air Show at Sky Harbor
As Civil War sites attract fewer visitors, Stones River National Battlefield sees growing attendance

WTVF, Channel 5, June 2, 2019 MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WTVF) — As the number of visitors at Civil War sites across the country are declining, battlefields in the mid-state’s backyard are able to buck the trend. Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported declining attendance at some of the nation’s most…
Rutherford County creates program to incentivize preservation

WKRN, Channel 2, May 30, 2019 RUTHERFORD COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) – Rutherford County is aiming to incentivize preservation. Government officials told News 2 that their Historic Properties Tax Exemption program will be taking applicants by this fall. “It’s a temporary exemption on the improvement of a historic structure for anything from ten…