Hollandale School 1924-1936
Sam Davis Home Showcases Lives of Davis Women With Special Exhibit
Quinn’s Chapel School (Black), 1941
Hayes more than a county all-star
Another Rutherford County FIRST, Preserving History!
March 25, 2019, WGNS Radio Rutherford County is the first in Tennessee to offer tax incentives for preserving historic properties. The concept started to take shape earlier this year as County Historian Greg Tucker requested that a historic property review board be established to provide tax abatement. The concept is…
Captain William Lytle Dedication

Lytle Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, March 22, 2019 The Captain William Lytle Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution conducted a dedication ceremony commemorating a DAR marker for Captain William Lytle. Perhaps as many as 200 people attended the festivities held at the Lytle Family Cemetery, located next door to…
2019 Show & Tell
Colgate Princess Doll Offer
Renault Dealership in Murfreesboro?
First City Bank moves to the City Center
The Daily News Journal, April 30, 1989 Discussion regarding the tallest building in Murfreesboro officially began in 1987. First City Bank moved into the ‘tall building’ April 30, 1989. Want to learn more about Murfreesboro’s tallest building? Click on the following articles… February 8, 1987 – NHC plans 15-story Building…
Gloria Shacklett Christy Honored By DAR
March 17, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) Rutherford County historian and community promoter Gloria Shacklett Christy will receive the prestigious Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Historic Preservation medal from 6:00 to 9:30 Friday night, April 26, 2019, during a special presentation in Franklin’s Cool Springs Marriott. DAR’s Historic Preservation Chair…
NHC plans 15-story Building

Tom Spigolon, The Daily News Journal, February 8, 1987 Murfreesboro-based National Health Care Corp. could begin construction within six months on a 15-story office building to house its new headquarters near the Public Square. Please visit “A View from the Top” article from 2012 for a view from the top…
Big Daddy Bradley’s Red Barn Square Dance
1975 Map of Murfreesboro/Rutherford County

Rutherford County Historical Society, March 15,2019 Banks, gas stations, funeral homes, radio stations – so many businesses gave away maps back ‘in the day’. This is a map of 1975 Murfreesboro/Rutherford County Map from Citizens Central Bank. Citizens Central Bank was once located at 319 North Maple Street (Murfreesboro) current…
Photos from the Alvin C. York Medical Center Collection – Boy Scouts presenting the Colors

Alvin C. York Hospital Collection, June 14, 1971 The Rutherford County Historical Society acquired thousands of photos from the Alvin C. York Veterans Hospital in December, 2018. Can you ID the people in this pic? Please send your answers to [email protected].
Porterfield School, 1888-1939
Hometown History
1982 Murfreesboro Noon Lions Club
The First Five Mayors of Murfreesboro
March 1, 2019, A Series by Barry Lamb Haskell, Joshua was born, according to an unverified source on April 9, 1786 in Providence, Rhode Island. He came to Davidson County, Tennessee before 1811 as he appears on a tax list there during that year. It is believed that he came…