O’Reilly Auto Parts Distribution Center Land to become Stones River Battlefield Land
February 27, 2019, WGNS Radio The Tennessee Historical Commission and Tennessee Wars Commission announced the purchase of more battlefield land in Murfreesboro. The plot of land that was purchased by O’Reilly Auto Parts to build a distribution center will become part of the Stones River Battlefield. The purchase is moving…
Silver Hill School, 1887-1924
Grant Acquires 42-Acres of Stones River Battle Land
February 26, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) A grant from the Tennessee Historical Commission is enabling Stones River National Battlefield to acquire the 42-acres of battle land that once housed General Electric and Cummings Signs. $1,827,502 has been awarded for the acquisition of 42 acres of the Stones River Battlefield, formerly…
Smyrna High was a Fundamental and Innate School Established on Solid Ground
Cub Scout Pack 337, 1972
More Gateway development may erase a piece of Murfreesboro Civil War history

Scott Broden, The Daily News Journal, February 20, 2019 A future development in Murfreesboro’s Gateway area may replace earth mounds that were part of Fortress Rosecrans during the Civil War. “Fortress Rosecrans was a 200-acre fort that was constructed to serve as a supply depot for the Union following the…
1913 Middle Tennessee State Normal School Baseball Team
Madelyn Scales Harris
Black History Month, The Benevolent Cemetery

Murfreesboro City TV Channel 3, February 15, 2019 A historic site once forgotten in Murfreesboro is soon to get a new life. The Benevolent Cemetery located off Church Street was covered in brush and broken headstones. Hundreds are buried there including members of the famed Buffalo Soldiers, a black cavalry…
Clarissa of Jefferson, a Black Woman’s Fight for Freedom
RCHS Publication 17, Spring 1981 Clarissa’s legal fight for her freedom started in April of 1805 and was to last for at least two years. On April 2, 1805, the court ordered William Edwards to give bond to permit Clarissa to appear at the next court when she was to…
Robert Weakly of Old Jefferson
Smyrna High ‘Rock’ School holds Untold Memories
The new Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue Station 4
Black History Month – Women of Murfreesboro
Photos from the Alvin C. York Medical Center Collection – American Legion Post 16 Baseball Team

Alvin C. York Hospital Collection, February 7, 2019 The Rutherford County Historical Society acquired thousands of photos from the Alvin C. York Veterans Hospital in December, 2018. Can you ID the boys in this pic? Please send your answers to [email protected].
Adventures In Murphry’s Burrow, featuring
Murfreesboro City TV Channel 3, February 6, 2019 Murph is an inquisitive rabbit that interviews guests that come visit his burrow. He also visits unique and interesting people and places in the city. This month, Murph visited RCHS President Walter White and Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker at the historic…
Cedar Grove School, 1882-1911
Black History Month-Women of Murfreesboro
Murfreesboro City Channel 3, February 6, 2019 The Murfreesboro Union provided news to African Americans in the early and mid-20th century. Copies of the newspapers are scarce as only a handful are known to exist. The Rutherford County Archives is in search of copies to add to their collection. Please…
La Vergne Preparatory School, 1890’s-1900
Photos from the Alvin C. York Medical Center Collection – Help us ID this person

Alvin C. York Hospital Collection, February 6, 2019 The Rutherford County Historical Society acquired thousands of photos from the Alvin C. York Veterans Hospital in December, 2018. Can you ID the person in this pic? Please send your answers to [email protected].