Murfreesboro Storytellers with County Historian Greg Tucker
Murfreesboro City Television, September 6, 2017 Host John Hood interviews county historian Greg Tucker.
100 Year Old House Made into Modern Home (the Fred Rogers home)
Halls School, 1887-1922
Shacklett to Display Photographer’s Works
Nancy DeGennaro, The Daily News Journal, September 1, 2017 Much of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County history since since 1937 has been documented by the legendary photographer, Dick Shacklett. Shacklett’s Photography, 105 South Church Street on the Murfreesboro Public Square, will celebrate its 80th birthday this weekend with an exhibit of…
St. Clair Street Senior Center: Researching African American History
Murfreesboro City Television, August 29, 2017 John Lodl with the Rutherford County Archives talks about researching African American history.
Famed Gen. Ben McCulloch had his roots in Jefferson
Reagor Tire Company
The Home Journal, January 10, 1930 Clyde Reagor operated a tire store on the corner of Walnut and College Street(s), across from present day Firestone Store.
Memorabilia from Murfreesboro’s James K. Polk Hotel

Frank Caperton, Rutherford County Historical Society, August 23, 2017 The Rutherford County Historical Society was presented a very special gift Wednesday, August 23 by the Schwartz family of Murfreesboro – a brick from the old James K. Polk Hotel. The Polk Hotel was once located on East Main, the current…
Check Presented to the Alvin C. York Medical Center
Magnolia Butter
Remembering Rutherford: Rutherford Guard unit confronted Shelbyville rioters

Greg Tucker, The Murfreesboro Post, August 20, 2017 Early Thursday morning, December 19, 1934, Henry Alexander and Tom Givans, along with a hundred of their colleagues in the Rutherford County National Guard unit, were ordered to report to the local armory. Early morning orders from Nashville mobilized and armed the…
Sam Davis Home Staff earn Award

The Murfreesboro Post, August 17, 2017 Sam Davis Home associates and Tennessee State Legislature admirers of Tiffany Johnson were able to surprise her August 7 with House Joint Resolution 523, recognizing Johnson for her work at the Sam Davis Home. Reps. Tim Rudd, Charles Sargent, Tim Wirgau, Dawn White, Bryan…
The Delbridge Building
Historic Fosterville Church of Christ riddled with bullet holes
A view from the Top (Murfreesboro’s City Center)

Frank Caperton, The Rutherford County Historical Society, August 18, 2012 I was invited and honored to take a tour of the ‘penthouse’ atop Murfreesboro’s City Center. Hard to believe the 16-story City Center was completed in 1988 at a height of (approximately) 180 feet. Erin Edgemon, The Murfreesboro Post, April…
Hammerhead, aka ‘Mike West’, Daily News Journal, May 16, 2004
Murfreesboro Girl Scouts Celebrate 50 Years of Camping at Historic Camp Piedmont

Elizabeth Tullos, The Murfreesboro Post, August 10, 2017 For the 50th anniversary of Camp Piedmont, local Girl Scouts flashed back to 1967 at the annual day camp to learn more about the history of their beloved campsite and organization. Nestled between Murfreesboro and Woodbury off of John Bragg Highway, Camp…