Allen Chapel AME Church: ‘Legacy of Service’

Nancy De Gennaro, Daily News Journal, July 24, 2015 MURFREESBORO — On Sunday, Allen Chapel AME Church will celebrate 155 years as a congregation, and News Channel 5 meteorologist Lelan Statom will serve as keynote speaker for the event. “We’re celebrating a ‘Legacy of Service’ by serving others. To have…
Chicago Board of Trade Artillery Demo, July 18, 2015
Keeble deserves documentary of his story

State Representative Mike Sparks, Daily News Journal, July 19, 2015 Did you know that the first African-American Tennessee legislator was from Rutherford County? Many may not be aware of the name Sampson Keeble. In m y opinion, Keeble was a significant trailblazer who paved the way for African-Americans in politics…
Interactive map documents emancipation of slaves
Harber: Sam Davis remains most admired for his courage
City Council to discuss takeover of Historic Bradley Academy

The Murfreesboro Post, July 29, 2015 The City Council is set to consider a memorandum of understanding Thursday with the Bradley Academy Historical Association transferring operation and management of the historical building to city government. This story has been updated. To view the original version, please click here. The City…
Remembering Rutherford: Forrest was postwar activist for black civil rights
Greg Tucker, Daily News Journal, July 13, 2015 Retired Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest was an outspoken advocate for the civil rights of the freedmen in postwar Tennessee. This advocacy and his popularity with the Memphis black community were resented by some of his white contemporaries who spread false rumors…
History in tune: Macon Music starts second year
Murfreesboro Storytellers – Cannonsburgh & Uncle Dave Macon Days
Murfreesboro City Television, July 6, 2015 Host John Hood tours Cannonsburgh Village, a popular tourist attraction in Murfreesboro. Hood also finds out more about Uncle Dave Macon Days, one of the largest events held in Murfreesboro.
Harber’s History Lesson: Mother’s essay brings memories of Old Jefferson
New Book Chronicles Uncle Dave Macon’s Life
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

January 27, 2015, WGNS Radio Truman visits with City Cafe owners Tammy Greer and Teresa Kellogg. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County…
Monument will honor Confederates killed in Forrest raid

Scott Broden, Daily News Journal, June 29, 2015 MURFREESBORO – A Sons of Confederate Veterans monument to honor 26 killed cavalrymen with a Nathan Bedford Forrest-led raid will be erected where they’re buried at Old City Cemetery. “It’s going to mark graves that were previously unmarked,” Rutherford County Historian Greg…
Around Rutherford: At home with Uncle Dave Macon
Remembering Rutherford: Memorial to honor casualties of Forrest’s local raid
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

June 25, 2015, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Harber’s History Lesson: Ridley won two medals for World War I service

Few realize we have a highly decorated World War I veteran in our historical past. James Allison Ridley, first lieutenant (Infantry), received the Distinguished Service Cross for his outstanding action during the heat of battle in the 11 3 th Machine Gun Battalion, 30 th Division, American Expeditionary Force in…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

June 16, 2015, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Remembering Rutherford: Sam Ridley ouster verdict changed little in Smyrna
Smyrna Celebration – Centennial marks Past and Future

Daily News Journal, Brian Wilson , June 14, 2015 SMYRNA — A six-month celebration of Smyrna’s past 100 years kicked off Friday in a historic neighborhood where town leaders have focused improvements and redevelopment. The centennial event at the Simply Smyrna celebration was geared to recognize the town’s history and consider…