March 21, 1938, The Daily News Journal

“The tornado which swept thru several Middle Tennessee counties and parts of Alabama last night vividly recalls to many Murfreesboro residents the tornado which struck this city nineteen years ago yesterday, leveling several buildings but claiming no lives although one man was injured.
“The Murfreesboro tornado struck about 2 o’clock in the morning, lasting only a fleeting second. It came out of the southwest, one part of it going out by the fair ground, the other part striking the freight depot first then hitting the business section of the city.
“Most of its fury was spent on the northeast corner of the square. After striking the Presbyterian Church and houses in that vicinity, the tornado rose and was next head from in Wilson County.
“The pictures shown graphically represent the damage which the storm did. Only $1,500 storm insurance was carried at the time, however 24 hours after the tornado, practically every building was covered. In fact, the insurance was so rushing that it was necessary for agents to go to Nashville to get more policies.
“However, in spite of the terrific winds and rain, the stork managed to push through and deliver a young lady who is one of the best known in Murfreesboro at press time.
“One old timer says the storm came through a gap in the hills between here and Franklin.
“He recalled seeing another tornado which hit the hills to the west of the city and going upward but this particular twister found the gap and nosed its way through, leaving terrific desolation in its wake.
“Had the Murfreesboro tornado occurred in daytime, scores of lives probably would have been lost.