January 15, 1938, The Daily News Journal
Ed. Note: MTSTC (Middle Tennessee State Teachers College is better known as MTSU)

The S.T.C. freshman team for the firs time since 1925 beat the Western Kentucky first year men.
According to Freshman Coach Freeman it was a last minute goal by B.H. Thompson what back in ’25 that beat the Hilltopper frosh.
The rat team this year turned in probably the best record for a frosh team in the history of the school. Though beaten twice on foreign hardwood the revenged these defeats at home. They averaged 49 points in their 16 games. Four Rutherford County boys made the starting line-up.
Reading from left to right, front row: Coach Freeman, John Bragg, Wormy Jones, James Loughery, Fisher Morton and Sam Smith. Back row: Eddie Cunningham, Doyle Meacham, Jack McClain, Simmons, John White and Carl Yates.