Annual Awards Banquet, Carriage Lane Reception House, Saturday, November 9, 2019
Each year the president of the RCHS is tasked with selecting only five volunteers for recognition. I use the word ‘tasked’ because choosing ONLY five volunteers is a tough, tough task.
Reservations and payment required by 10/31/2019! (no payments will be accepted at the door)
Registration forms will be available at Monday night’s meeting.
Once again the Carriage Lane Reception House, 337 East Burton Street will host and cater our Annual Awards Banquet.
This year the menu will be roast beef, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls.
Payment can be made by …
1. Bring a check by the Ransom School House any Saturday morning.
2. Mail a check to: RCHS, 717 North Academy Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37130
3. Or click here to pay online.