SMYRNA ROSENWALD SCHOOL BLACK 1960-1967 was on the southwest side of the Old Nashville Highway, and north west of Sam Davis Road. It replaced the 1927-1960 school but was not on the same site.On March 21,
1959, Emit E. Bishop and wife Elizabeth deeded 8.15 acres of land to the
Rutherford County School Commission for the new school. The dedication of the new building was on November 20. Mayor Sam Ridley introduced the speaker, Dr. James Martin of MTSU. Ira Daniel, Superintendent of Schools, dedicated the modern brick structure.
The building contained six classrooms, a combination auditorium and
cafeteria, a principal’s office, teachers’ lounge, and restrooms for the students.
Among the faculty members at the new SMYRNA ROSENWALD SCHOOL were A.D. Washington, principal, 1960-1962; Mary L. Cartwright; Queen E. Washington, who had come with the SILVER SPRING SCHOOL students in 1959; Mrs. F.B. Charlton, who came in 1962 with the children from CEMETERY SCHOOL; Cora Vaughn, who replaced A. D. Washington who died in 1962; Geneva Howse, Jessie M. Bryson, Florence Lockett, Mrs. A.N. Hampton, Mrs. C.B. Johnson, and Felix Wade.
The consolidation of the CEMETERY SCHOOL with ROSENWALD in 1962 brought the enrollment to 237 students. In October 1965 the LITTLE HOPE SCHOOL was also consolidated with ROSENWALD.
With integration in 1967, SMYRNA ROSENWALD SCHOOL BLACK became SMYRNA WEST.
SOURCES: Deed Book 71, P. 232; Book 127, P. 493; Book 148, P. 102. “Rosenwald Has Had a Rich, Varied Background,” The Daily News Journal, Nov. 13, 1963, P. 24. Interview, March 13, 1963, with William Peebles, student in 1927. *Lydia Glanton. *Queen E. Washington, a student and later a teacher.