LASCASSAS SCHOOL BLACK (1945) was held in the Sycamore Grove Missionary Baptist Church on the west side of Valley View Road and just north of the Jefferson-Milton Road.
The one-room frame building was warmed by a coal heater. Water was carried from the home of Mrs. Zula Norris.
Both desks and church pews were provided. When classes were in session, the desks were placed in the middle of the room and the pews were pushed to the side walls.
Teachers known to have taught there were Susie Mae Cook Anderson, Grace Watkins Batts in 1932, and Susye Mack Rucker, the last teacher, 1936-1945.
Family names of students included Watkins, Knight, Johnson, McAdoo, and Crawford.
SOURCES: Interviews, Feb. 6, 1986, with Martha Watkins, a student for eight years; Jan. 29, 1986, with Joe McAdoo, student. *Susye Mack Rucker. *Grace Watkins Batts.