Category: Historical Categories
A Country Store (1912-1914)
Rutherford County Historical Society Publication 2, 1978 (Selection from Jack R. Mankin’s “Autobiography” written for his children in which he describes his brother’s store and offers some nostalgic impressions of life as he remembers it in the surrounding communities of Mankinville and Dilton.) When I was a child–some eight or…
The Osborn-Dromgoole-Harrison-Murfree House
June 10, 2021 Barry Lamb The Osborn-Dromgoole-Harrison-Murfree house, formerly located at 420 North Spring Street, on the corner of Spring and Bell Streets, was likely built for Caleb Osborn and his wife, Elizabeth Rankin Osborn, around 1853. The land on which the house was constructed was once owned by Marmon…
First United Methodist Church of Murfreesboro Celebrates 200 Years by Susan Harber
May 31, 2021 Susan Harber, The Daily News Journal I am excited to scribe a story on the earliest history of First United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro based on a fantastic book by author Evelyn Hicks, whose father was a longstanding minister. She assembled this beautiful masterpiece with chapters written…
Christiana High School Composite Pics
Gil Olerud of Gil’s IGA Foodliner receives Award
Sewart Air Force Base – June 1 declared Sewart Day
History buried too long
April 7, 2021, Tayla Courage, The Murfreesboro Post Murfreesboro resident Kenneth Sawyer is raising money to restore the neglected resting place of two Rutherford County families from the Antebellum era buried near his home. Sawyer, an independent truck driver, bought his home in Murfreesboro last August. The day of the…
Uxor Hill was Renamed Bellwood and Stood Tall as Finest Home in mid-19th century in Murfreesboro
“Unconstitutional” 231 School Had Short History
Frow Chips, March/April, 2021, Greg Tucker, Rutherford County Historian In 1962, eight years after the U. S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregated education was unconstitutional, the Rutherford County school system opened a new segregated school facility on U. S. Highway 231 South. The all black faculty taught black students…
A Country Store (1912-1914)
Rutherford County Historical Society Publication 2, 1978 (Selection from Jack R. Mankin’s “Autobiography” written for his children in which he describes his brother’s store and offers some nostalgic impressions of life as he remembers it in the surrounding communities of Mankinville and Dilton.) When I was a child–some eight or…
The Osborn-Dromgoole-Harrison-Murfree House

June 10, 2021 Barry Lamb The Osborn-Dromgoole-Harrison-Murfree house, formerly located at 420 North Spring Street, on the corner of Spring and Bell Streets, was likely built for Caleb Osborn and his wife, Elizabeth Rankin Osborn, around 1853. The land on which the house was constructed was once owned by Marmon…
First United Methodist Church of Murfreesboro Celebrates 200 Years by Susan Harber

May 31, 2021 Susan Harber, The Daily News Journal I am excited to scribe a story on the earliest history of First United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro based on a fantastic book by author Evelyn Hicks, whose father was a longstanding minister. She assembled this beautiful masterpiece with chapters written…
Christiana High School Composite Pics
Gil Olerud of Gil’s IGA Foodliner receives Award
Sewart Air Force Base – June 1 declared Sewart Day
History buried too long

April 7, 2021, Tayla Courage, The Murfreesboro Post Murfreesboro resident Kenneth Sawyer is raising money to restore the neglected resting place of two Rutherford County families from the Antebellum era buried near his home. Sawyer, an independent truck driver, bought his home in Murfreesboro last August. The day of the…
Uxor Hill was Renamed Bellwood and Stood Tall as Finest Home in mid-19th century in Murfreesboro
“Unconstitutional” 231 School Had Short History

Frow Chips, March/April, 2021, Greg Tucker, Rutherford County Historian In 1962, eight years after the U. S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregated education was unconstitutional, the Rutherford County school system opened a new segregated school facility on U. S. Highway 231 South. The all black faculty taught black students…