Compiled from ‘Rutherford County Schools to 1972’ by the Rutherford County Historical Society, published 1986
BRACKIN SCHOOL fl. 1878 was located on the south side of the old Jefferson Pike, near the railroad, and in the area now known as the Smyrna Air Base. The site of the school and the name Mrs. C.A. Brackin appear on the Beers
Map of 1878.

BRACKIN SCHOOL was a private school for families in the community.
Another Brackin school, called the GLADES SCHOOL, is also recorded in two deeds.
On August 15, 1889, Mrs. C.A. Brackin signed a deed of one acre to School Trustees George Gwyn, D.H. Tune, Jr., and W.H. Towns. The school was bounded on three sides by Brackin land known as the Biles tract from the land of her father, Silas Tucker. The deed was not filed until March 4, 1904. On February 10, 1904, School Trustees G.W. Gwyn, D. N. Tune, and W. H. Towns acknowledged a deed to School Directors C. H. Gambill, George Gwyn, and J.S. Gooch for a school for white children.
The one acre was bounded on the south by the Nashville-Murfreesboro Turnpike, on the north, east, and west by the Biles Tract once owned by
Silas Tucker.
In 1904, John Hudson owned that parcel of land which contained school property.