Long hunter State Park, July 18, 2011
A special ceremony was held at Long Hunter State Park on Saturday, June 18, to rededicate the newly located Sherrod Bryant Tennessee Historical Marker.

Bryant (1781-1854) was a farmer who settled in an area that later became known as Bryant Grove and is now a part of Long Hunter State Park. By 1850, Bryant, who was a land owner and slave owner, was recognized as one of the wealthiest free blacks in Tennessee.
Bryant is buried in Bryant Town Cemetery in Donelson, Tennessee. Previously, the Bryant historical marker was situated along Couchville Pike in Rutherford County. Recently, it was moved to Bryant Grove Recreation Area at Long Hunter State Park in order to make it more accessible.
Saturday’s event was attended by many of Bryant’s ancestors from all over the United States. Guest speakers at the ceremony included: Mike Robertson, Middle Tennessee Regional Manager, Tennessee State Parks; Dan Whittle, President, Friends of Long Hunter State Park; Metro Nashville Councilman Robert Duvall, District 33; TN State Representative Jim Gotto, District 60; and Carl Bryant, a descendant of Sherrod Bryant and treasurer of the Friends of Long Hunter State Park.
In addition to the historical marker at Bryant Grove Recreation Area, a new plaque honoring Sherrod Bryant was unveiled and will be placed in the Long Hunter State Park visitor center.
More photos from the event can be found on the Friends of Long Hunter Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/longhunterstatepark More on Long Hunter State Park at: www.tnstateparks.com/LongHunter