As published in the Murfreesboro Post, December 31, 2006

Living historians at the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Stones River
Organization of the Army of Tennessee,
The Stone’s River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign.
DECEMBER 26, 1862-JANUARY 5, 1863
General Braxton Bragg, CS, Commanding
Maj. Gen. B. F. CHEATHAM.First Brigade.
Brig. Gen. DANIEL S. DONELSON.8th Tennessee:
Col. W. L. Moore.
Lieut. Col. J. H. Anderson.
16th Tennessee,
Col. John H. Savage.
38th Tennessee,
Col. John C. Carter.
51st Tennessee,
Col. John Chester.
84th Tennessee,
Col. S.S. Stanton.
Carnes’ (Tennessee) battery,
Capt. William W. Carnes.Second Brigade.
Brig. Gen. ALEXANDER P. STEWART.4th Tennessee,
Col. O. F. Strahl.
5th Tennessee,
19th Tennessee,
Col. F. M. Walker.
24th Tennessee:
Col. H. L. W. Bratton.
Maj. S. E. Shannon.
31st Tennessee,
Col. E. E. Tansil.
33d Tennessee,
Mississippi Battery,
Capt. T. J. Stanford.Third Brigade.
Brig. Gen. GEORGE MANEY.1st Tennessee,
27th Tennessee,
Col. H. R. Feild.
4th Tennessee (Provisional Army),
Col. J.A. McMurry.
6th Tennessee,
9th Tennessee,
Col. C. S. Hurt.
Tennessee Sharpshooters,
Capt. Frank Maney.
Smith’s (Mississippi) battery,
Lieut. William B. Turner.Fourth ( Preston Smith’s ) Brigade.
Col. A. J. VAUGHAN, JR.12th Tennessee,
Maj. J. N. Wyatt.
13th Tennessee:
Lieut. Col. W. E. Morgan.
Capt. R. F. Lanier.
29th Tennessee,
Maj. J. B. Johnson.
47th Tennessee,
Capt. W. M. Watkins.
154th Tennessee,
Lieut. Col. M. Magevney, jr.
9th Texas,
Col. W. H. Young.
Allin’s (Tennessee) Sharpshooters:
Lieut. J. R. J. Creighton.
Lieut. T. F. Pattison.
Tennessee Battery,
Maj. Gen. JONES M. WITHERS.First (Deas’) Brigade.
Col. J. Q. LOOMIS.
Col. J. COLTART.19th Alabama.
22d Alabama.
25th Alabama.
26th Alabama.
39th Alabama.
17th Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters,
Capt. B.C. Yancey.
1st Louisiana (Regulars),
Lieut. Col. F. H. Farrar, jr.
Robertson’s battery,
Capt. F.H. Robertson.Second Brigade.
Col. T. W. WHITE.7th Mississippi.
9th Mississippi,
Col. T. W. White.
10th Mississippi.
41st Mississippi.
9th Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters,
Capt. O. F. West.
Blythe’s (Mississippi) regiment.
Garrity’s (Alabama) battery.Third (Walthall’s) Brigade.
Brig. Gen. J. PATTON ANDERSON.45th Alabama,
Col. James G. Gilchrist.
24th Mississippi,
Lieut. Col. R. P. McKelvaine.
27th Mississippi:
Col. T. M. Jones.
Lieut. Col. J. L. Autry.
Capt. E. R. Neilson.
29th Mississippi:
Col. W. F. Brantly.
Lieut. Col. J. B. Morgan.
30th Mississippi,
Lieut. Col. J. I. Scales.
39th North Carolina,
Capt. A. W. Bell.
Missouri Battery,
Capt. O. W. Barret.Fourth (Anderson’s) Brigade.
Col. A. M. MANIGAULT.24th Alabama.
28th Alabama.
34th Alabama.
10th South Carolina,
Col. A. J. Lythgoe.
19th South Carolina,
Alabama Battery,
Maj. Gen. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE.First Brigade.
Col. RANDALL L. GIBSON.32d Alabama:
Lieut. Col. Henry Maury.
Col. Alexander McKinstry.
13th Louisiana,
Col. R. L. Gibson.
20th Louisiana,
Maj. Charles Guillet.
16th Louisiana,
Col. S. W. Fisk.
25th Louisiana,
Maj. F.C. Zacharie.
14th Louisiana Battalion,
Maj. J. E. Austin.
Washington Artillery(5th Battery),
Lieut. W. C. D. Vaught.Second Brigade.
Col. J. B. PALMER.
Brig. Gen. GIDEON J. PILLOW.18th Tennessee:
Col. J. B. Palmer.
Lieut. Col. W. R. Butler.
26th Tenneessee,
Col. John M. Lillard.
28th Tennessee,
Col. P. D. Cunningham.
32d Tennessee,
Col. Ed. C. Cook.
45th Tennessee,
Col. A. Searcy.
Moses’ (Georgia) battery,
Lieut. R.W. Anderson.Third Brigade.
Brig. Gen. WILLIAM PRESTON.1st Florida,
Col. William Miller.
3d Florida,
4th Florida,
Col. William L. L. Bowen.
60th North Carolina,
Col. J. A McDowell.
20th Tennessee:
Col. T. B. Smith.
Lieut. Col. F. M. Lavender.
Maj. F. Claybrooke.
Tennessee Battery:
Capt. E. E Wright
Lieut. J. W. Phillips.Fourth Brigade.
Brig. Gen. R. W. HANSON.
Col. R. P. TRABUE.41st Alabama:
Col. H. Talbird.
Lieut. Col. M. L. Stansel.
2d Kentucky:
Maj. James W. Hewitt.
Capt. James W. Moss
4th Kentucky:
Col. R. P. Trabue.
Capt. T. W. Thompson.
6th Kentucky,
Col. Joseph H. Lewis.
9th Kentucky,
Col. T. H. Hunt.
Kentucky Battery,
Capt. R. Cobb.Jackson’s Brigade.
Brig. Gen. JOHN K. JACKSON.5th Georgia:
Col. W. T. Black.
Maj. C.P. Daniel.
2d Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters,
Maj. J. J. Cox.
5th Mississippi,
Lieut. Col. W. L. Sykes.
8th Mississippi:
Col. J. C. Wilkinson.
Lieut. Col. A. McNeill.
Pritchard’s (Georgia) Battery.
Lumsden’s (Alabama) battery,
Lieut. H. H. Cribbs.SECOND DIVISION.
Maj. Gen. P. R. CLEBURNE.First Brigade.
Brig. Gen. L. E. POLK.1st Arkansas,
Col. John W. Colquitt.
13th Arkansas.
15th Arkansas.
5th Confederate,
Col. J. A. Smith.
2d Tennessee,
Col. W. D. Robison.
5th Tennessee,
Col. B. J. Hill.
Helena (Ark.) Artillery,
Lieut. T. J. Key.Second Brigade.
Brig. Gen. ST. JOHN R. LIDDELL.2d Arkansas,
Col. D.C. Govan.
5th Arkansas,
Lieut. Col. John E. Murray.
6th Arkansas,
Col. S. G. Smith.
7th Arkansas,
Lieut. Col. F. J. Cameron.
Maj. W. F. Douglass.
8th Arkansas:
Col. John H. Kelly.
Lieut. Col. G. F. Baucum.
Swett’s (Mississippi) battery,
Lieut. H. Shannon.Third Brigade.
Brig. Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson.17th Tennessee:
Col. A. S. Marks.
Lieut. Col. W. W. Floyd.
23d Tennessee,
Lieut. Col. R. H. Keeble.
25th Tennessee:
Col. J. M. Hughs.
Lieut. Col. Samuel Davis.
37th Tennessee:
Col. M. White.
Maj. J. T. McReynolds.
Capt. C. G. Jarnagin.
44th Tennessee,
Col. John S. Fulton.
Jefferson (Miss.) Artillery,
Capt. Put. Darden.Fourth Brigade.
Brig. Gen. S. A. M. WOOD.16th Alabama,
Col. W. B. Wood.
33d Alabama,
Col. Samuel Adams.
3d Confederate,
Maj. J. F. Cameron.
45th Mississippi,
Lieut. Col. R. Charlton.
15th Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters,
Capt. A. T. Hawkins
Alabama Battery,
Capt. Henry C. Semple.McCOWN’S DIVISION.
Maj. Gen. J. P. McCOWN.First Brigade.
Brig. Gen. M.D. ECTOR.10th Texas Cavalry,
Col. M. F. Locke.
11th Texas Cavalry:
Col. J. C. Burks.
Lieut. Col. J. M. Bounds.
14th Texas Cavalry,
Col. J. L. Camp.
15th Texas Cavalry,
Col. J. A. Andrews.
Texas Battery,
Capt. J.P. Douglas.Second Brigade.
Brig. Gen. JAMES E. RAINS.
Col. R. B. VANCE.3d Georgia Battalion,
Lieut. Col. M.A. Stovall.
9th Georgia Battalion,
Maj. Joseph T. Smith.
29th North Carolina,
Col. R. B. Vance.
11th Tennessee:
Col. G. W. Gordon.
Lieut. Col. William Thedford.
Eufaula (Ala.) Light Artillery,
Lieut. W. A. McDuffie.Third Brigade.
Col. R. W. HARPER.1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles:
Col. R. W. Harper.
Maj. L. M. Ransaur.
2d Arkansas Mounted Rifles,
Lieut. Col. J. A. Williamson.
4th Arkansas,
Col. H. G. Bunn.
30th Arkansas:
Maj. J. J. Franklin.
Capt. W. A. Cotter.
4th Arkansas Battalion,
Maj. J. A. Ross.
Arkansas Battery,
Capt. J. T. Humphreys.CAVALRY.
Brig. Gen. JOSEPH WHEELER.Wheeler’s Brigade.
Brig. Gen. JOSEPH WHEELER.1st Alabama,
Col. W. W. Allen.
3d Alabama:
Maj. F. Y. Gaines.
Capt. T. H. Mauldin.
51st Alabama:
Col. John T. Morgan.
8th Confederate,
Col. W. B. Wade.
1st Tennessee,
Col. James E. Carter.
— Tennessee Battalion,
Maj. DeWitt C. Douglass.
— Tennessee Battalion,
Maj. D.W. Holman.
Arkansas Battery,
Capt. J. H. Wiggins.Buford’s Brigade.
Brig. Gen. A. BUFORD.3d Kentucky,
Col. J. R. Butler.
5th Kentucky,
Col. D. H. Smith.
6th Kentucky,
Col. J. W. Grigsby.Pegram’s Brigade.
Brig. Gen. JOHN PEGRAM.1st Georgia.
1st Louisiana.Wharton’s Brigade.
Brig. Gen. JOHN A. WHARTON.14th Alabama Battalion,
Lieut. Col. James C. Malone.
1st Confederate,
Col. John T. Cox.
3d Confederate,
Lieut. Col. William N. Estes.
2d Georgia:
Lieut. Col. J. E. Dunlop.
Maj. F. M. Ison.
3d Georgia (detachment),
Maj. R. DeWitt C. Thompson.
2d Tennessee,
Col. H. M. Ashby.
4th Tennessee,
Col. Baxter Smith.
— Tennessee Battalion,
Maj. John R. Davis.
8th Texas,
Col. Thomas Harrison.
Murray’s (Tennessee) regiment,
Maj. W. S. Bledsoe.
Escort company,
Capt. Paul F. Anderson.
McCown’s escort company,
Capt. L. T. Hardy.
White’s (Tennessee) battery,
Capt. B. F. White, jr.ARTILLERY.
Baxter’s (Tennessee) battery.
Byrne’s (Kentucky) battery.
Gibson’s (Georgia) battery.