HALL’S HILL SCHOOL 1906-1929 was at Hall’s Hill on the south side of the Murfreesboro-Hall’s Hill Road.
On September 22, 1906, T. H. Wright and wife Jodie D. and J. R. Stroop and wife Lottie B. signed a deed to school directors of the 53rd School District for two acres of land for a school as long as there was a school. The land
was bounded on the southeast by T. J. Wright’s store. The name T. J. Wright is on the 1878 Beers Map.

The frame school building at first had two rooms. An iron stove furnished the heat; and a well and bucket, the water. Upon the consolidation in 1918 of STROOP, SHARPESVILLE, TRIMBLE, and HUNT’S HILL with HALL’S HILL,
a third room was added to the back. In 1922, one room, an auditorium, was divided into two rooms by folding doors.

Jim Dallas Jacobs and Hester Arnette were the first teachers in this school. Later ones were Dexter McFarlin and Lola McHenry McKfllght in 1912, Ada Ewing Wendel, Maggie Lela McKnight Paschal, Hal Bell Jordan Blankenship,
and Ruth Kelton Ward. First teachers of the consolidated school were Mr. and Mrs. Flint Speer, Eulala Sanders Carnahan, and Mrs. A. R. Craddock. In 1922 John Northcutt became principal and Altie Hall Northcutt, a teacher.
The two-teacher school was for grades one through eight. At first the three R’s were stressed. There was no library; hence the children read their textbooks over and over. The only extra activities were chapel exercises,
spelling matches on Fridays, and a program at the end of the school year. When the third teacher was added, the classes were extended through the tenth year.
Mr. Knox, S. L. Martin, and J. T. Bryant were the drivers of wagons to the consolidated school.