Few realize we have a highly decorated World War I veteran in our historical past.

1st Lt. James Allison Ridley (Infantry) received the Distinguished Service Cross for outstanding action during the heat of battle in Bellicourt, France, Sept. 29-30, 1918.
James Allison Ridley, first lieutenant (Infantry), received the Distinguished Service Cross for his outstanding action during the heat of battle in the 11 3 th Machine Gun Battalion, 30 th Division, American Expeditionary Force in Bellicourt, France, from Sept. 29-30, 1918.
The second Distinguished Service Cross was given for his bravery near Mazinghein, France, at the St. Quentin Canal on Oct. 19, 1918, while commanding his wounded company.
Under abundant artillery fire, Ridley led his men forward to advanced positions, inspiring soldiers all the way with coolness and control. In Mazinghein, he reduced eleven machine-gun nests and captured 150 prisoners and ammunition used against the enemy.
Under President Woodrow Wilson, Gen. John J. Pershing awarded Ridley for his outstanding service in Bellicourt. A second award was given to Ridley by Secretary of War Dwight Davis for his heroism in Mazingheim. Ridley was heralded by one newspaper as the ‘Murfreesboro Boy War Hero.’ Ridley was named for his paternal grandfather James Allison Ridley (1822-1895), who was patriarch and wed to Almira Russworm. His grandfather was born at Stewarts Creek in Rutherford County, serving as lifelong physician in Smyrna.
He lived and worked near the Smyrna Depot most of his life. Great-grandfather Henry Ridley died in Smyrna in 1834, and his great-grandmother Elizabeth Allison lived on for 40 years as a widow and died in 1873 in Smyrna. Henry was a member of the state Constitutional Convention in 1834.
James Allison Ridley’s brother Granville (18931982) was a first lieutenant and present during the Meuse-Argonne offensive in World War I.
He returned to practice law with his father Granville and the firm Ridley and Richardson. A second brother, Thomas, served as a war aviator in France in 1918. James Allison Ridley was born Aug. 27, 1896, in Murfreesboro to parents Judge Granville Sumner Ridley, a Civil War veteran, and Mildred Thomas Ridley. His siblings included Granville, Elizabeth, Thomas, Mildred, Pauline, Howell and William.
His father Granville, was a circuit judge and known as one of the best lawyers in Tennessee.
Ridley lived in a large frame house on Woodbury Pike. He had 10 siblings; yet, two young sisters perished before the age of 1-year-old.
James also lived at 1810 E. Main St. and returned to his hometown after the war to work with Conqueror Flour as manager of the Murfreesboro Mill Co. During World War II, he was director of the civil defense program in Murfreesboro. He married Ruth White Ridley, who died at 97 years old in 2003; and his son, Granville Sumner Ridley, died in 2002.
The Ridley family is buried at Evergreen Cemetery with James Allison Ridley, who passed away on Aug. 3, 1962.
Ridley volunteered for World War I as a private and changed the face of warfare with his courage and fearlessness. This cross of bronze is only 2 inches in height but measures a far-reaching length for integrity.
Only 6,100 awards were presented in all of World War I. An eagle is affixed to the cross and is engraved only “for valor.” Ridley was a single American from Rutherford County who fought for our freedom and “for valor.”