Susan Harber, Daily News Journal, October 31, 2015
Rock Springs School, first called Union School, once stood strong on a quiet hillside in the Rock Springs community. The school was on the south end of Rock Springs Road at the intersection of present-day Waldron Road in Smyrna. Access to the schoolhouse and the church ran along the west side of the current Rock Springs Church of Christ.

Union School, later known as Rock Springs School, shared the same building with Union Church. (Photo: Submitted)
No written records of the school are available prior to 1884. In the early 1830s, a log-hewn Baptist church was on the site. In 1832, the first Church of Christ in the county, known as Union Church, shared the same building. A two-room brick building was erected of handmade kiln bricks, while the membership soon outgrew the existing space. The back room of the structure functioned as Union School.
J.P. “Pat” Gordon organized the school in 1871. On March 6, 1874, James Holden deeded 1 acre to the trustees to establish a new school. In 1890, Holden bestowed 1 1/2 more acres for this effort, as great excitement swept the community with a promise of an established base of learning.
The one-room building had high windows and shutters. There was a stove for heat, a music room and water supplied from Sam McElroy’s farm. One early male teacher was “Old Man” Ewell, who later worked for Gov. John Buchanan. Dr. Milton Gordon also taught in the school. Sallie Miller and Ephie Woodfin Gordon were two female teachers. P.S. Morrison, who published his book “Practical Arithmetic” (1914), was another excellent instructor for Rock Springs. John Mallard was school director.
Students enrolled in first grade and stayed “as long as they had means to attend and a book to bring to class.” Normally, they persevered in their scholastic journey through eighth grade.
Pay was minimal for teachers; yet personal rewards of achievement reigned high. In 1884, instructor Mrs. Mary R. Douglas received $30 compensation a month for four months; in 1885, teacher Miss Hattie Hunt received $50 for two months.
The census of Enumeration of Scholastic Population (between the ages of 6 and 21) validates on May 30, 1885, this populace for the school: 32 white males, 36 white females, seven colored males and five colored females.
A tornado in 1887 destroyed the church and school. A frame building was raised on the same site to house Rock Springs School. Columbus Lafayette Brittain donated land at the bottom of the hill, and the Union Church was rebuilt as the Rock Springs Church. The Rock Springs School succeeded the Union School and was known as School No. 1 in District 35. The school was rebuilt as a one-room frame building.
In 1896, H.A. Alexander was school director. Records document early school teachers in the late 19th century as James McLaughlin, Estelle Leongard, C.H. Hill, Florence Taylor, Lockie Webb, Beatrice Elrod, Maggie Brittain, Buena Vista St. John, S.W. Peebles Jr., Mallie Peebles, Clyde Bleaves, Professor S.C. Reid, Jessie Haynes, Mattie Holland, Lavonia Lee, Lacy Elrod, Viola Tucker Carter, Grace Brittain Hall, Mary McAbee, Dudley Wood, Marian F. Brittain Maxwell and Bessie Gwyn. Lacey Elrod would move on to become the first principal of Smyrna High “Rock School” in 1921. His son Dr. Parker Elrod, former Vanderbilt football player, was a close friend of my dad, Paul Rogers. Lacey was the grandfather of Dr. Burton Elrod, team physician for our Tennessee Titans today.
Before the school closed in 1915, the students elected a girl as president of the class. This was quite radical but accepted. This same young lady was awarded a large box of candy.
Students were soon relocated to Christiana, Midland and Rockvale schools; and the close-knit circle of neighborhood families embedded in literacy and knowledge was embraced by a new and different day.
Rock Springs School was situated in a stunning abode on the edge of a changing Smyrna. This school augmented the education of dozens of students, who enhanced our community over a generation in a beautiful manner.
Contact Susan Harber at [email protected].