October 27, 2018

Fall was in the air Saturday with the 42nd Annual Harvest Days at Cannonsburgh Pioneer Village on Front Street. The popular free community gather of crafts, art, music, food and a look at this community two centuries ago.
Stroll this 1800’s village and watch broom makers, blacksmiths, hayrides, craft vendors and other activities from those long ago years. In addition, there will be storytellers, cloggers and old time music.
In addition, the Stones River Region’s Antique Automobile Club of America held an antique car show at the old gas station in Cannonsburgh. By the way, that group meets in there at 6:00 o’clock on the first Tuesday evening of each month.
Historic Cannonsburgh Village represents approximately 200 years of early Tennessee life from the 1830s to the 1930s. Within the village is a gristmill, school house, a telephone operator’s house, the University House, the Leeman House, a museum, a caboose, the Wedding Chapel, a doctor’s office, a general store, a blacksmith’s shop, a well, and other points of pioneering interest.
On October 27, 1811, the Tennessee legislature established Cannonsburgh as the seat of Rutherford County.
Evidently former Governor Newton Cannon, whom neighboring Cannon County is named, was not in local political favor, because a month later, November 29, 1811, the name was changed to Murfreesborough to honor military officer Hardy Murfree. Eight years later Murfreesboro was incorporated with a bustling population of 950, and a year later was named the capital of Tennessee. Sadly in 1822 the courthouse burned, and First Presbyterian Church, the city’s first brick structure, shared its structure with elected officials.