Murfreesboro Post, August 5, 2015

Left to right, front row: Karen McWorter, Centenarian Mary Soper, Kathy Bennett. Back row: Jay Fuquay, Vanessa Soper Fuquay, Chuck Richardson, Sara Richardson, Mayor McFarland, Mayor Burgess, Carmen Rodriguez.
For the fourth year, Family Staffing Solutions, Inc. honored Rutherford County residents age 100 and older as members of the “Century Club of Rutherford County.” Kathy Bennett and Karen McWhorter from the Murfreesboro Family Staffing Solutions office visited each centenarian and presented each of them with a city proclamation from Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland proclaiming July 30, 2015 “Centenarian Appreciation Day” in Rutherford County. Mayor Ernest Burgess also accompanied Family Staffing Solutions and Mayor McFarland on visits to the centenarians. The following 8 women were recognized: Pauline Cantrell, age 102; Mary Chrisman, age 102; Margaret Cook, age 103; Geneva Delene, age 101; Ida Overton, age 103; Mabel Robertson, age 104; Dora Rucker, age 104 and Mary Soper, age 104.
“These ladies should be honored,” said Bennett. “They have lived through the most difficult times in our history and their stories are amazing.”
Soper said she has seen 18 U.S. presidents elected. She experienced the Depression and World Wars. Cook was a “Rosie the Riveter,” working in a factory during the war. They all experienced a very different time and place than the present.