October 28, 2015, WGNS Radio, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, www.WGNSradio.com
Just 15-days before her 105th birthday, long-time Murfreesboro community leader Dora Rucker passed away. She was believed to have been the oldest living resident of Rutherford County at age 104.

WGNS Radio’s Bart Walker presents Miss Dora a bouquet of flowers when she was a guest on the WGNS’ Action Line 11/11/2011.
She was born here in 1910 and went to Sulphur Springs School, a one-room facility where students would gather wood and get the fire going on cold mornings. Family members say that Miss Dora is amazing, and when she was on WGNS in 2011, she was still able to do the soft shoe.
Dora Rucker spent her life building up and encouraging others. She was a cosmetologist by trade, and as such helped people to regain confidence in themselves.
She also led by example. Instead of simply telling people to get involved, she did it. When she was on the WGNS back in 2011, she talked about actually stoking the wood stove in the one-room schoolhouse and sharing memories of many years of service on the Rutherford County Election Commission.
Back in April, 2015, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity honored Miss Dora for her longstanding reputation of getting people registered to vote and making certain they got to the polls on Election Day.
When Miss Dora was on WGNS four-years ago, she was asked why it was important to be involved in the community and to help others.
Sadly, many persons live their lives helping others, but never hear the words of kindness until a eulogy is spoken at their funeral. That was not the case for Miss Dora. In particular her 101st birthday was celebrated “live” on WGNS and she shared memories while the community covered her with love.