Union Hospital Trains Ran on N&C Railroad

May 1, 2019, Greg Tucker, Rutherford County Historian This illustration from an 1864 edition of Harper’s Weekly shows a Union Army “hospital train” on a run between Chattanooga and Nashville. The locomotive is identical to the engine that pulled trains on the state’s first railroad link (Nashville to Antioch) in…
C. B. Arnette reclaimed the Heritage from his Family’s Log Home for the Ransom School House
Murfreesboro Mayors: 6-10
May 1, 2019, A Series by Barry Lamb Rucker, Dr. William Reade was born on May 20, 1792 in Amherst County, Virginia to the Reverend James Rucker and his wife, Nancy Ann Reade Rucker, who came to the Walter Hill area of Rutherford County from Amherst County in 1795. He…
Murfreesboro Airport terminal demolished, $4.5 million replacement on the way

May 1, 2019, Mealand Ragland-Hudgins, The Daily News Journal Murfreesboro Airport workers said goodbye to the city’s nearly 70-year-old terminal earlier this week. Demolition of the terminal took place on Monday and cleanup at the site along Memorial Boulevard is underway, Airport Manager Chad Gerkhe said. Removing debris should take…
Monday, May 20, 7:00PM

Monday, May 20, 7:00PM, Rutherford County Archive Building, 435 Rice Street (down from the Murfreesboro Athletic Club) Bart Walker of Murfreesboro’s WGNS Radio will present the history of radio in Rutherford County. WGNS, Rutherford County’s ‘Good Neighbor Station’ came on the air 10PM, December 31, 1946, when Rutherford County had…
In Pursuit of Life and Liberty
Gloria Shacklett Christy Receives DAR Award
April 27, 2019, WGNS Radio On Friday (4/26/2019) night, local historian Gloria Shacklett Christy was honored at the 114th Daughters of the American Revolution State Conference. The Murfreesboro historian received the DAR’s Meritorious Medal and Cetificate. Christy said, “This is a bright and forever memorable moment for me and my…
Walter Hill Dam, 1986
Rock Spring School, 1887-1938
Bobby Turman shared info regarding Cannonsburgh
Campus School Celebrates 90-Years THIS Tuesday
April 13, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) Campus School celebrates its 90-year legacy from 4:00 until 6:00PM this coming Tuesday (4/16/2019) afternoon. Homer Pittard Campus School is located at 923 East Lytle Street, directly across Middle Tennessee Boulevard from MTSU. Former Principal and Friends of Campus School President Dr. Rita King…
Monday, June 17, 7:00PM
The Iconic City Cafe on Tennessee Crossroads
Fox Hollow School, c1900
Baxter Hobgood and Robert Frost are Two Icons in the Literary Spectrum of the County and Nation
April 8, 2019, Susan Harber In early 1940s, on the cusp of World War II, Robert Frost, the greatest poet of the 20th century, arrived to Murfreesboro for a special reading at Middle Tennessee State College on the invitation of President Q.M. Smith. Professor Baxter Hobgood was requested by Smith…
Bill Parks for County Clerk Kan-O-Seat
April 6, 2019, Ransom School House, Murfreesboro, Tennessee You simply never know what local historians such as Curtis Parish will bring when visiting the historic Ransom School House for ‘Coffee & Conversation’ each Saturday morning…
La Vergne School, 1887-1911
State Farm Insurance Regional Office
State Farm Insurance Regional Office

Frank Caperton, April 2, 2019 State Farm Insurance has maintained a regional office in Murfreesboro since 1954. The following is a pamphlet that was distributed by the Data Processing department as a memento at the grand opening of the ‘new’ State Farm regional office location at 2500 Memorial Blvd., October…