Wright’s Mill near Halls Hill Pike

J.N. Wright‘s Mill was located just off Halls Hill Pike behind the old Kerr‘s Grocery. It collapsed in (c) 1978. Note the dam constructed of timber. From ‘Pictures and the Stories they Tell‘, the Rutherford County Historical Society. From Denise Johnson: “I thought some of the more recent folks that…
Nice’s Mill
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

July 26, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Old Log Home on Old Nashville Hwy.
Oaklands Mansion – A Look Around Oaklands Park, July 2016
Oaklands Mansion – All Around Oaklands Mansion, July 2016
Thank you Ken Robinson Photography!
Oaklands Mansion – A Warm Summer Day
Remembering Rutherford: Preservation and library part of Woman’s Club Centennial

Greg Tucker, The Murfreesboro Post, July 26, 2016 With a genealogy that reaches back to a 19thcentury book club, the fight for women’s suffrage and memorials to the Confederacy, the Woman’s Club in Murfreesboro celebrates its Centennial this month with an expanded role. In December 1915 members of the Library…
Uncle Dave Macon Days 2016
Murfreesboro City Television, July 14, 2016 Uncle Dave Macon Days 2016. Reported by City TV Reporter Cecilia Herrell.
Christiana School, 1908-1931
Facts about Oaklands Mansion you may not know

Nancy De Gennaro, Daily News Journal, July 8, 2016 Oaklands Mansion was built by Dr. James Maney and Sally Murfree Maney. Murfree Maney was the daughter of Revolutionary War Col. Hardy Murfree, for whom the town is named. The land Oaklands Mansion stands on, originally 274 acres, was inherited by Murfree…
Woman’s Club celebrating Centennial

Nancy De Gennero, Daily News Journal, July 5, 2016 MURFRESBORO — From 4-6 p.m. July 16, the nonprofit Woman’s Club of Murfreesboro is celebrating its centennial with an open house featuring wine and hors d’oeuvres. These days, not many groups can say they’ve been around for 100 years, said longtime member and…
Historic Selfie Scavenger Hunt
Murfreesboro City Television, June 30, 2016 You can register starting August 1, 2016 at Sportscom or The Wilderness Station.
Loafer’s Rest, Smyrna, TN
This photo was taken looking southeast, towards Murfreesboro down old Highway 41 (Old Nashville Hwy.) near the intersection of of Rock Springs Road. Note the white sign in the right side of Old Nashville Hwy., “Sam Davis Home’.
Salem Male Academy, 1837-?
Stones River National Battlefield, 1933
Springfield Apartments given final approval

Michelle Willard, The Daily News Journal, June 23, 2016 Developers say they intend to preserve this historic house at 3726 Manson Pike and make it an amenity for a proposed upscale apartment. MURFREESBORO – The Murfreesboro Planning Commission unanimously approved the final design review for a controversial 270-unit apartment complex…
150th Anniversary of Big Holly
150th Anniversary of Big Holly — VIP Murfreesboro Magazine 1866-2016: One and a Half Centuries of Murfreesboro History Travel down Maney Avenue to the 700 Block and you will find an impressive brown brick three story home. The home has been here for one hundred and fifty years. It is…