The Murfreesboro Post, December 7, 2013

Oaklands Historic House Museum (Photo courtesy of Shacklett’s Photography)
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Usher in the holiday season with an enchanting tour of historic homes and landmarks.
The 30th annual Oaklands Christmas Candlelight Tour of Homes is slated for Saturday, Dec. 7, from 4 p.m. till 8 p.m. and will comprise tours of various home throughout Murfreesboro.
The tour, sponsored by the Oaklands Association and MidSouth Bank, will feature beautiful and historic private homes in the East Main Street historic district, a distinctive church, historic schoolhouse and the graceful Oaklands Historic House Museum.
“Oaklands would like to thank the residents of Middle Tennessee for helping to make 30 successful years of candles, lights and tours,” said Sara Bell, a board member of Oaklands Association. “We appreciate the homeowners throughout our city who have generously opened their homes these many years in support of our annual fundraiser.”
While enjoying the festive walking tour, residents are invited to visit the Julia’s Homestyle Bakery food truck for hot holiday beverages and seasonal pastries. The bakery is donating a portion of all proceeds from the evening’s truck sales to the grand Oaklands mansion, which is the cornerstone of the tour.
Today, local residents and visitors alike enjoy the mansion that has been lovingly restored and brought back to its former glory. The proceeds of the Candlelight Tour of Homes go toward the care and preservation of this historic treasure.
Admission is $10 for people 21 years and older, $8 for students, and children ages 6 through 12 years old are admitted for $5, while tickets for those younger than 5 years old are free. Tickets may be purchased at any home on the tour or at Oaklands Historic House Museum.
For more information about the event, visit