January 15, 2020, Renee Duke Miller
Alfred Miller built this house on the corner of College and Academy Streets in Murfreesboro. Photo source: O.E. Camp Photo – 1930-1939

The walls of the three-story red brick are 14″ thick with a foundation of stone. There are two chimneys on each side of the house. Four tall stately columns support an upper and lower gallery across the facade. The scroll design over the entrance exemplifies the artistry of the era. The upper portico is enclosed with wrought iron grillework. The first and second floors compose eight large rooms with 14 foot high ceilings. A wide entrance hall runs through the center of the house, and a stairway enhanced by walnut hand rail, leads to the second floor hall. The floors are of six inch wide ash planks. The third story was one large room used as a ballroom.
In the rear of the house was a building of the same construction composed of six large rooms – three upstairs and three downstairs. This building served as kitchen and slave quarters and later as a carriage house.
The house was sold out of the family in 1918.