BIG SPRING SCHOOL 1918-1941 was built on the site of the former school.
In 1918 there was a dire need for a new school. Will Newman was the teacher and his father owned the sawmill nearby. After the people of the community had brought their logs to be sawed, the men met at night to lay off the building.
Will Newman laid it off by the North Star. The county furnished the windows, doors, and ceiling.
The frame building had three rooms and a hall with two cloak rooms. Folding doors between two of the rooms converted them into an auditorium. Water was still brought from the Big Spring but it was poured into a cooler. Each student had a cup.

This school was a three-teacher school with two years of high school work.
Teachers were: Mary N. Robinson, Leander Smith, Sue McKee, Janie She1bon Rogers, Blanche Howland Jacobs, Mamie Tilford Summers, Ruth Dement. Sarah Moore and Halloween McNabb Harney taught either in this school or in the preceding one. Others who taught in lower schools were: Beulah Parker, Kate Lowe, Ina Lowe Jernigan, Jessie Shelton Mason, Allie McKnight Hoover, Grady Biggers White, and Olga Ellis.
Maude Robinson Jacobs Chrisman was the last teacher in this school.
The school closed in 1941 and was consolidated with
SOURCES: Deed Book 20, P. 9; Book 106, P. 509; Book 27, p. 482; Book 114, p. 245. *Margaret McKnight Powell, “Big Spring” RCHS, Publication 22, Winter 1984 . Interviews, August 23, 1982, with Mattie Era Todd, student; April 1981, with Estil Lowe, student; October 7, 1983, with Quinton Summers, b. 1890, d. July 18, 1984; and January 7, 1984, with Charles Todd, student. Mary N. Robinson, daughter of *Wiley H. Robinson. *Maud Robinson Jacobs Chrisman, daughter of *Wiley H. Robinson. *Maggie Lowe Good. *Walter Lowe, son of Wesley S. Lowe.