CHADWICK SCHOOL 1860-c 1936 was on the Manchester Highway about two miles north of the Rutherford-Bedford County line. It was on the east side of the road and about 100 yards south of the Chadwick cemetery. On April 2, 1860, Alexander Downing deeded to B. L. Chadwick, Trustee, one-half acre of land for the school. The names of Chadwick and Downing are shown on the 1878 Beers Map.

It was a one-room, one-teacher school, weatherboarded and with a porch across the front. A heavy wooden shutter protected each window. When the school became a two-teacher school, a room was added to the north side.

Among the teachers were Jesse Shelton Mason, William Jackson Edwards, Lee Jacobs, John Edward Mason, William Newman, Eugene Hoover, Forrest Srielton, Tennie Halliburton, Mary McKnight Manley, Margaret McKnight Powell, Fannie Short Wright, Mary Robinson, Sue McKee, Lena Taylor Alsup, Grady Biggers White, John Chadwick, and Mamie Tilford Summers in 1935, 1936.

Quinton Summers did not attend the school but he played baseball with the students. The children called the school “GNAT COLLEGE.”
When the school closed in c 1936, students went to BUCHANAN SCHOOL.
SOURCES: Deed Book 11, p. 191. Rutherford County, School Superintendent’s Office. In School File under “Chadwick.” Interviews, July 1983, with John Carter, student in 8th grade in about 1927; August 27, 1983, with Commodore Arnold, student under Grady Biggers White; July 1983, with Horace Arnold, b. 1895, who started school about 1901; October 7, 1983, with Quinton Summers, b. January 5, 1890, d. July 18, 1984. *Mary McKnight Manley, who was a teacher in 1914. *Nell Bingham McKee. *Mary Robinson.