Council endorses Bradley takeover and Miracle Field effort

The Murfreesboro Post, August 3, 2015

Bradley Academy, located at 415 S. Academy St. in Murfreesboro, was the first school for African-American children. It was started as a school for white males, and among the first students was James K. Polk, who would become the 11th president of the United States.

The councilors approved a Memorandum of Understanding taking responsibility for operating the museum located in the historic old Bradley Academy and using bond issues to pay the bills for recent renovations to the building.

The original plan had been to pay for the work with block grant money. But it was not bid according to the rules for the grants, so that money will be used for planned Americans with Disabilities Act work and the Bradley renovations will be paid for with funds that were planned for the ADA work.

Council member Rick LaLance advised Parks and Recreation Director Lanny Goodwin to “aggressively seek to increase parking” for the facility.

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