FOSTERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1928-1953 was built on the north side of the Fosterville-U.S. 231 Road. W.E. Smith sold to the County Board of Education, in a deed signed July 12, 1928, a lot for the new school property. The new school replaced the school 1903-1928 across from the railroad depot.
The modern brick building built by the county had four classrooms, an auditorium and lunch room, and a combination office and library. It also had a basement with a central heating system.
This school was a junior high school with two years of high school work.
Some of the teachers were: Mr. W. H. Parker, Myla Taylor Parsons, Elvira Brothers, Emma Bell Willard, Robert Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Brandon, Andrena Crockett Briney, LaChester Davidson, Mary Lou Gordon Davidson, Janice Sims Jennings, Olga Hoover Ellis, Ellen Mullins, Frances Sade Yates, Myrtle Ogles Robinson, Mrs. Hollis Westbrooks, Sara Gilbert, and Mable
In 1933, the two years of high school were consolidated with the CHRISTIANA HIGH SCHOOL. FOSTERVILLE remained a three-teacher grammar school with an enrollment of 65 students.
In 1953, FOSTERVILLE SCHOOL was consolidated with CHRISTIANA.
The school building was used for two or three years as a community center. It was later sold to the Trustees of the Fosterville Baptist Church, E. F. Fann, Brown Allen, J. D. Jarman, Powell Brothers, Walter Faulk, Guy Jordan, and Charlie Wilson. The deed was dated July 23, 1955. The building was remodeled and is still in use.
SOURCES: Deed Book 72, p. 554. *Elvira Brothers, d. June 15, 1985.