Other Schools in District 21

Cader Dement, Henry Kirby, and Benjamin Clayton signed a deed on October 18, 1839 to School Commissioners William D. Baird, John Stroop, Christopher Acklan, James Sanford, and James Rucker for a school. Cader Dement guaranteed for the school “free passage to and from the spring.” There is an H. Kerby…
Shiloh School (Black), 1874-1967
Buchanan School, 3rd Grade 1951-52

This pic was shared by an anonymous longtime Society member, originally shared October 20, 2012 to his/her ancestry.com tree… Buchanan School, Rutherford County, Tennessee. FRONT ROW, left to right: Tom Arnette, Steve Lawrence, Joe Pearson, Judge Rigsby, James H. “Jimmy” Jacobs, and George Haynes. ROW TWO: Jannie Smith, Wanda Coffman, Nancy Hughes,…
Shiloh School, c1880-1948
Jordan School, 1861-1925
The Highest Price
1938 Christiana High School Yearbook
William Lytle is a Key Originator in the History of County

July 20, 2020, Susan Harber, The Daily News Journal Upon my visit last week to the ‘new’ Tennessee State Museum, I immediately sought the display of William Lytle’s two stunning Queen Anne Flintlock Pistols (1750s) that he carried in the American Revolution. The pistol is distinguished by the lock plate…
Sallie Ransom’s Book By Carol White
July 14, 2020, July/August Froe Chips, Carol Robertson White, Frow Chips Editor Every now and then we have folks drop by the Rutherford County Historical Society Historic Ransom School House and share a photo or two, ephemera regarding our town, or donate us items to the Rutherford County Historical Society. I had…
Hillcrest was Remarkable Historical Home in Murfreesboro

July 5, 2020, Susan Harber, The Daily news Journal Hillcrest is a notable historical home referred to as ‘Crest’ and ‘Crestland.’ The plantation home was built most likely in the early 1830s and stood tall for Murfreesboro resident Legrand Carney, a wealthy man. The home lay between present-day North Maple…
231 School (Black), Christiana, 1962-1967
Readyville High School, 1880’s-1903

READYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1880’s-1902 or 1903, sometimes called TALLEY HILL, was located at Readyville on the north side of the Woodbury Road, east of Stones River, on a rocky hill behind Tilford’s store. The school was, according to an 1894 brochure, in Rutherford County. In 1892 N. D. Overall, County…
Many knew his voice, but he was a great dad also
Webb Institute (Barfield), 1873-1878

WEBB INSTITUTE 1873-1878 was on the west side of the present Barfield-Crescent Road between the intersections of the present Morton and Webb Roads. It bordered the property of Coleman Harrison. In August 1873, “in consideration of benefit to be rendered by the System of Public Schools,” Isaac Webb signed a…
Lunette Thomas and Lunette Palmer remain Integral Earthworks in Stones River Battlefield
June 22, 2020, Susan Harber, The Daily News Journal Stones River Battlefield was chartered on April 28, 1896 and is a treasure untold in our community. High action was bitterly fought over an expanse of 3,000 acres. Through the years, I have witnessed military reenactments that are quite extraordinary to…
Kittrell High School, 1926-1972
Hickory Grove School, Kittrell (Black) 1880’s-1930’s
Academy lauds hero from war in Vietnam

July 30, 1982, Jenny Tenpenny, The Daily news Journal Heroism takes many forms especially on the battlefield, and one of Rutherford County’s most decorated Vietnam War heroes will be honor Saturday in ceremonies at the Tennessee Military Academy in Smyrna. The honors for Army Captain James Timothy Luscinski come posthumously,…