1962 Rockvale Basketball Team

April 20, 2018, Pettus Read Rockvale Sports of Days Gone Bye – This is the elementary team of the Rockvale School back in 1962. An interesting fact about the front row is from that group this county has had serve it one current County Commissioner, two former County Commissioners and…

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Crescent School, 1922-1937

CRESCENT SCHOOL 1922-1937 was on the west side of the Barfield-Crescent Road and about 1/2 mile north of the intersection of this road and Armstrong Valley Road. It was north of the Crescent Church of Christ. On November 11, 1922, Sam J. Overall and wife Dossie Pearl acknowledged a deed…

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Majestic mansion Grantlands burned in Civil War

Susan Harber, The Dail y News Journal, April 16, 2018 Grantlands was a spectacular ancestral home that lay on a vast estate, only to be burned to the ground during the ravages of the Civil War. The bygone home is enshrined in rich history. Grantlands property was established in 1807…

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La Vergne School, 1911-1949

LA VERGNE SCHOOL c1911-1949 was on the old Nashville Turnpike, on the same land given by James M. Cowley and wife Mary A. for a school in 1877. At first a one-room frame building, rooms were added until there were three and the schoolhouse was L-shaped. By 1925 it had…

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Help solve a murder mystery and enjoy a meal, too

April 3, Nancy De Gennaro, The Daily News Journal Poison Ratenstein is in town for a killer concert, but his fans may be looking for a refund after this twisted tour turns tragic with a murder at the mansion and a mystery tosolve. You can help solve the mystery when Oaklands…

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Earliest Murfreesboro jail was intact in 1811

April 2, 2018, The Daily News Journal, Susan Harber I am so fascinated by our county jail system and the exceptional inner workings of our local law enforcement. My Uncle Leon Fox labored as a deputy (1959-1961) in a Murfreesboro jail under Sheriff Bill Wilson.  I remember later visiting my…

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Easter Services in the Streets!

Frank Caperton, Rutherford County Historical Society First Presbyterian Church held an Easter service in the streets on the corner of North Spring and East College at some point in the late 1980s or early 1990s. The three story building in the upper left hand corner of this pic is the…

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Easter Morning, First Presbyterian Church, 1980’s

Frank Caperton, Rutherford County Historical Society First Presbyterian Church held an Easter service in the streets on the corner of North Spring and East College at some point in the late 1980s or early 1990s. The three story building in the upper left hand corner of this pic is the…

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New Oaklands Mansion COFFEE MUG

March 31, 2018, WGNS Radio Oaklands Mansion has partnered with a local artist to offer an exciting new coffee mug! This limited edition, color changing mug is a must for your collection! When it’s cold you will see only white artwork against a black background, but fill it with a…

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Smyrna Female Academy 1838-c1867

FEMALE ACADEMY 1838 – c1867 was north of Smyrna on what was later Jones Mill Road in the Sewart Air Force Base area. The building was near the junction of the Harts and Stewart Creeks and opposite the properties ofElizabeth Ridley and Constant Hardeman. On October 15, 1838, Moses Ridley…

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Blair School, 1865-1890s

BLAIR SCHOOL before 1865-1890’s was in the La Vergne area. It was on the west side of the present Blair Road between Rock Springs and Chaney Roads on the property of James H. Blair, b. 1842, d. 1865. The name J. Blair is still shown on the Beers Map of…

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Sand Hill School (Black) 1920s-1952

SAND HILL SCHOOL BLACK 1920’s-1952 was to the north off Sand Hill Road. There was no road to the school itself. Presently there is a dead end road to the site. The schoolhouse was a one-room frame building. Among the teachers were Willie Alexander, Josephine Pruett, Rev. A.M. Hampton, Louise…

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Spring Creek (aka Wilson Line) School 1880-1926

SPRING CREEK SCHOOL 1880-1926 was on the north side of Maddux Road which ran east off Lamar Road. It was about one-fourth mile east of Lannom Cemetery and near the head of Spring Creek. The school was on property owned by Simp Lannom. Bryant Flowers also owned property bordering the…

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Remembering George Smith, who led by example

Mike Sparks, The Daily News Journal, March 28, 2018 It’s been said that “those that do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.” Dr. George Smith knew his history, and he certainly didn’t want others to repeat it. Smith had a love for Tennessee history and telling those…

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Bill Wilson IS Mr. Murfreesboro

MTSU Sidelines, March 28, 2018 Sixth generation Murfreesboro resident Bill Wilson is teaching locals that history is everywhere, you just have to look for it. Having lived in Murfreesboro all of his life, Wilson has made a visible connection with the community through his ‘Mr. Murfreesboro’ Facebook page with over…

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