RCHS Publication No. 3, 1974 (Summer)

The Rutherford County Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to Publication No. 3 bythe following: The marriage records contained in our first three publications were originally abstracted by the Hardy Murfree Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. The Rutherford County Historical Society greatly appreciates the use of this material.…
Reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Col. Hardy Murfree Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution

July 5, 2021, Rutherford County Court House More than 40 attendees sang patriotic songs, prayed for America and enjoyed the 2nd annual reading of the Declaration of Independence from the Col. Hardy Murfree Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsored the reading of the Declaration of Independence. Local…
RCHS Publication No. 2, 1973 (Winter)

The Rutherford County Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to Publication No. 2 bythe following: Henry G. Wray, Rutherford County ArchivistMary Hall, Retired-Unretired Middle Tennessee State University ProfessorMayor W. H. Westbrooks, City of MurfreesboroBen Hall McFarlin, Rutherford County Court ClerkErnie Johns, Past President of the Historical SocietyHomer Pittard, Rutherford…
July 3, 2021 – Rockvale Ruritans 4th of July Celebration
RCHS Publication No. 1, 1973

1973, Miss Mary Hall People, Places, and Events make History. In wishing to preserve, and make easily accessible many facts concerning the rich heritage of Rutherford County, the Historical Society presents Volume I. Many hours of research into historical records have been spent in preparation for this volume, in order…
A Country Store (1912-1914)
Rutherford County Historical Society Publication 2, 1978 (Selection from Jack R. Mankin’s “Autobiography” written for his children in which he describes his brother’s store and offers some nostalgic impressions of life as he remembers it in the surrounding communities of Mankinville and Dilton.) When I was a child–some eight or…
1836 Tax Record of the 25th District of Rutherford County Tennessee
Rutherford County Historical Society Publication No. 1, Summer, 1973
Tour of the Rutherford County Archive Expansion
Monday, June 21, 2021, The Rutherford County Archive, 435 Rice Street What an informative evening! Rutherford County Archivist John Lodl of the Rutherford County Archives shared the history of our cutting-edge county Archive, the functions of the Archive and the importance of the Archive.
May 18, 2021 interview with World War II veteran Bill Allen
April 30, 1968 Middle Tennessee Christian School (MTCS) The Highlighter
George Parrish Had “Special Needs” at the Ransom School

June 8, 2021 Greg Tucker The late C. B. Arnette (1918-2010), local author and historian, and an alumnus of the Ransom School, wrote a memorial for his friend and schoolmate George Walter Parrish. The writing, reproduced here, gives some interesting insight as to the School and the building which now…
The Osborn-Dromgoole-Harrison-Murfree House

June 10, 2021 Barry Lamb The Osborn-Dromgoole-Harrison-Murfree house, formerly located at 420 North Spring Street, on the corner of Spring and Bell Streets, was likely built for Caleb Osborn and his wife, Elizabeth Rankin Osborn, around 1853. The land on which the house was constructed was once owned by Marmon…
Billy Ledbetter—Last Survivor of RCHS Charter Members

June 10, 2021 Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker The Rutherford County Historical Society was first organized in 1971 with thirty-three charter members. Among these first members was William C. (“Billy”) Ledbetter, Jr. Believed to be the last surviving Charter Member, Billy died on December 28, 2020. Billy was born on…
First United Methodist Church of Murfreesboro Celebrates 200 Years by Susan Harber

May 31, 2021 Susan Harber, The Daily News Journal I am excited to scribe a story on the earliest history of First United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro based on a fantastic book by author Evelyn Hicks, whose father was a longstanding minister. She assembled this beautiful masterpiece with chapters written…