Smith made his mark on primitive Rutherford County
Susan Harber, Daily News Journal, June 19, 2016 Bennett Smith is not a proverbial name to historians, yet this pioneering settler shaped our Rutherford County of today. Smith was a man of strengths and weaknesses and was definitely rough-hewn and unpolished as a wealthy and influential leader. Maj. Smith was…
Sam Davis Home Summer Soirée, June, 2016
Murfreesboro’s Bellwood Neighborhood, 1963
APTA Marker place at the historic Ransom School House
Civil War General and Smyrna, Tennessee native William Barksdale

Susan Harber, The Daily News Journal, June 5, 2016 General Barksdale Drive in Smyrna is a longstanding homage to a man of local heritage, who has been portrayed in the films ‘Gettysburg’ and ‘Gods and Generals’. William Barksdale Sr (1778-1834) and Nancy Lester, immigrants from England, gave life to a…
Hunt’s Hill School/Mud Daub School/Mud College, late 1800’s-1918
For better or worse: The Hoods stood together

Michelle Willard, Daily News Journal, May 31, 2016 You probably saw John Hood pushing his bride of 64 years, Marilyn, in her wheelchair at events and gatherings around town. It was always a touching scene to see them together at MTSU events, Chamber of Commerce events and at Kleer-Vu Restaurant nearly…
Murfreesboro Mourns Death of Mary Huhta

Daily News Journal, May 31, 2016 RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. — Former MTSU history professor James Huhta — the driving force behind the creation of MTSU’s Center for Historic Preservation — is being charged in the stabbing death of his wife, Mary Huhta, 79, according to Rose Anne Brown, public information officer…
Small town soldier has big impact
Silver Spring Schoolhouse, 1849
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

May 31, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Smyrna’s Sewart Air Force Base Highway Dedication
Ewingville School, 1899-1926

EWINGSVILLE SCHOOL 1899-1925 or 1926 was on the North Milton Road just across the Rutherford County line in Wilson County. Students from both counties attended the school. EWINGSVILLE was first a one-teacher and then a two teacher school. Known teachers were Hannibal Jennings, Quixanna Cook, and Herman Rhodes. Maynard Knight…
Brown’s School (Black), 1888-1949
Neighbor ‘saddened’ by threat to historic home
Michelle Willard, Daily News Journal, May 23, 2016 MURFREESBORO — Neighbors are disappointed by a recent Murfreesboro Planning Commission vote in favor of plans for a proposed apartment complex on Manson Pike that could threaten a historic home. “It saddens me for the history. It saddens me for the cave…
Local History with Truman Jones and Friends

May 24, 2016, WGNS Radio Today Truman visits with Rutherford County Historian Greg Tucker. Bart Walker and the staff of Rutherford County’s WGNS Radio (1450AM, 101.9FM) have been supporters of our local history for a long, long time. Please click the WGNS icon and enjoy former Rutherford County Truman Jones…
Cripple Creek School (Bradyville), 1900-1921
CRIPPLE CREEK SCHOOL c1900-1921 was on the west side of Cripple Creek Road, about two miles north of the Bradyville Road, and a few hundred feet south of the present Presbyterian Church. It was on a farm owned by Russell Patrick. In about 1900 the Standridge Presbyterian Church changed its…
Rockdale School, District 15, 1857-1917
Smyrna’s Sewart Air Force Base Highway Dedication, May 30, 2PM

Lifelong Smyrna resident and State Representative Mike Sparks (R-Smyrna) is hosting a highway dedication Monday, May 30, 2:00PM at the Smyrna Greenway trailhead on Fitzhugh Blvd. on the former Sewart Air Force Base. Just in case you aren’t sure as to the location of the Fitzhugh Blvd. Greenway Trailhead: