RCHS Publication No. 13, 1979 (Spring)

Publication No. 13


In recent months leaders of a national association have made the following statement “A page of Tennessee’s history should be torn out and thrown away”. They were referring to the Confederate States of America and the part Tennessee and her people played in the War Between the States.

These same people, since President Kennedy, have had the best given them, all at the taxpayers expense. They are now trying to dictate what history should be.

With some of our weaker politicians and do-gooders they might succeed in destroying all the artifacts, paintings, and sculpture that honor our great leaders of Tennessee.

It is up to Tennesseans, like ourselves, to see that this does not happen. That history shall remain true and a building block for the future. That no group of malcontents, large or small, shall have the right to destroy any part of Tennessee’s great history.

Robert A. Ragland

Hallowed Tradition Marked Tennessee College by Eugene Sloan
Tennessee College Alumnae Association by Eugene Sloan
The Coleman Scouts by Mabel Pittard
The New Monument in Old City Cemetery by Julia Clarice Miller
Petition of James Bole for Revolutionary War Pension by Edna Fry

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