Rutherford County Firsts

Rutherford County Firsts

Brick house in Murfreesboro: erected by John M. Telford, 1811.

Tavern, owned by A. Carmichael, 1813, near Pump Springs, north side square.

Cotton factory, South Maple Street, 1831.

First Negro to serve in State Legislature, Sam Keeble, 1867.

Stage coach from Nashville, 1830.

Turnpike, Nashville-Murfreesboro-Shelbyville, 1831.

Automobile in Murfreesboro, George M. Darrow or James Reed, 1900.

Airplane, piloted by Johnie Green, Rutherford County Fairground, 1911.

Passenger train to Murfreesboro, 1851.

Railroad ticket agent, William Ledbetter

Bank chartered, Murfreesboro Tennessee Bank, 1817.

Gas plant, 1857.

Cedar bucket factory, John Spence 1854.

Poor farm established, 1829.

Rutherford County Fair (Central Agricultural and Mechanical,) 1868.

General store in county, William Nash at Jefferson, 1803.

County court meeting, Home of Thomas Rucker, 1804.

Corn crop, forks of Stone’s River, 1788.

Whig convention, Murfreesboro, 1841.

Velocipede in Murfreesboro, 1870.

Street car line, Murfreesboro Street Railway, 1892.

Murfreesboro sewer system, 1891.

Militia Company, Captain John Smith’s Company, 1805.

Ordinary, Mark Mitchell at Jefferson, 1804.

Courthouse, Jefferson, 1805.

Steamboat built, Jefferson, 1824.

Child born in county, Dr. Thomas Norman, 1803.

Sheriff, Samuel McBride, 1804.

County court clerk, Joseph Herndon, 1804.

Register, William Mitchell, 1804.

Circuit Court Clerk, William Ledbetter, 1819.

Chancellor, L. M. Bramlett, 1836.

Chancery Court Clerk, White Jetton, 1836.

Postmaster, Joel Childress (father of Mrs. James K. Polk), 1812.

Ranger, John Howell, 1804.

Constables, Joseph Boyer, John Anthony, W. Ramsey, and William Martin, 1804.

Grand jury foreman, Alex McCulloch, 1804.

County attorney, Perry W. Humphreys, 1804.

Cholera Epidemic, 1832.

Medical associations, 1852.

Mayor of Eagleville, W. H. “Buck” Dyer, 1949

Tennessee Governor from Rutherford County, John Price Buchanan, 1890.

Newspaper, The Courier, 1814.

Drug Store in Murfreesboro, H. H. Tredway, 1837.

Grocery store in Murfreesboro, Jacob Decker, 1837.

Carriage factory, N. Osborn and Company, 1837.

Theater, Ezra Keysea and others, 1830.

Collegiate institution, Union University, 1841.

Collegiate president, Rev. Joseph Haywood Eaton, 1841 (Union University)

Educational Institution, Bradley Academy, 1809.

Wife of a United States President, Miss Sarah Childress (Mrs. James K. Polk, 1841)

High bicycle introduced in county, 1880.

Creamery, Stone’s River Creamery, by Stanley Bell and Robin Cooper, 1884.

Mayor of Smyrna, Joseph Ingles Nichols, 1869.

Mayor of LaVergne, Vester Waldron, 1875

Major Murfreesboro fire in business district, 1855.

Major flood documented in county, 1902.

Tailor merchant to carry in stock ready-made suits for men and boys, Duffer Brothers, 1892.

Mayor of incorporated Murfreesboro, Joshua Haskell, 1817.

Surveyor of Murfreesboro, Hugh Robinson & Jesse Brashear, 1811.

Murfreesboro city waterworks, 1833.

City market house, 1833.

President of the United States to visit the county, Martin Van Buren, 1842.

Telephone manager in Eagleville, R. E. Bain.

Telephone operator in Eagleville, Gertrude Elmore.

“Soda Pop” bottling works in Murfreesboro, 1895.

Manufacturing of artificial ice, Christy & Huggins, 1902.

Superintendent of Schools, W. H. Wallace.

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