Category: Black History
African Americans Benevolent Cemetery Historical Marker Unveiling
December 9, 2021, Murfreesboro City TV Channel 3 The Benevolent Cemetery located off Church Street was covered in brush and broken headstones. Hundreds are buried there including members of the famed Buffalo Soldiers, a black cavalry regiment that fought in various battles including the Spanish-American War. Plans are underway to…
Ideal Social Club, 1953
America W. Robinson (1855-1920) of the Fisk Jubilee Singers
July 28, 2021, Carol Robertson White of the Rutherford County Historical Society In 1866, Robinson enrolled on opening day in the new Fisk Colored School at Nashville, founded by the American Missionary Association. Her teaching career began at the age of thirteen. She earned money for tuition and living expenses…
Cemetery School (Black), 1874-1962
“Unconstitutional” 231 School Had Short History
Frow Chips, March/April, 2021, Greg Tucker, Rutherford County Historian In 1962, eight years after the U. S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregated education was unconstitutional, the Rutherford County school system opened a new segregated school facility on U. S. Highway 231 South. The all black faculty taught black students…
‘It’s beyond time’: Effort underway to honor those enslaved at Murfreesboro’s Oaklands Plantation
March 10, 2021, Nancy DeGennaro, Daily News Journal In a far corner of Evergreen Cemetery on Highland Avenue near Murfreesboro Police Department headquarters is an open field. It’s lumpy in some places where the ground is visibly sunken. Beneath that fertile soil are the unmarked graves of at least 30 people once enslaved…
William Holland—Hero of the American Civil War
Carol Berning, RCHS Frow Chips, January/February, 2021 Just outside the Hazen Brigade Cemetery wall at Stones River National Battlefield stand two military grave stones. They mark the resting place of William Holland (1834-1909) and William Harlan (1895-1979). William Holland began his life as a slave. I have created a brief…
Cedar Grove School (Black), 1901-1967
Beech Grove School (aka Eagleville School Black), 1917-1953
African Americans Benevolent Cemetery Historical Marker Unveiling

December 9, 2021, Murfreesboro City TV Channel 3 The Benevolent Cemetery located off Church Street was covered in brush and broken headstones. Hundreds are buried there including members of the famed Buffalo Soldiers, a black cavalry regiment that fought in various battles including the Spanish-American War. Plans are underway to…
Ideal Social Club, 1953
America W. Robinson (1855-1920) of the Fisk Jubilee Singers

July 28, 2021, Carol Robertson White of the Rutherford County Historical Society In 1866, Robinson enrolled on opening day in the new Fisk Colored School at Nashville, founded by the American Missionary Association. Her teaching career began at the age of thirteen. She earned money for tuition and living expenses…
Cemetery School (Black), 1874-1962
“Unconstitutional” 231 School Had Short History

Frow Chips, March/April, 2021, Greg Tucker, Rutherford County Historian In 1962, eight years after the U. S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregated education was unconstitutional, the Rutherford County school system opened a new segregated school facility on U. S. Highway 231 South. The all black faculty taught black students…
‘It’s beyond time’: Effort underway to honor those enslaved at Murfreesboro’s Oaklands Plantation

March 10, 2021, Nancy DeGennaro, Daily News Journal In a far corner of Evergreen Cemetery on Highland Avenue near Murfreesboro Police Department headquarters is an open field. It’s lumpy in some places where the ground is visibly sunken. Beneath that fertile soil are the unmarked graves of at least 30 people once enslaved…
William Holland—Hero of the American Civil War

Carol Berning, RCHS Frow Chips, January/February, 2021 Just outside the Hazen Brigade Cemetery wall at Stones River National Battlefield stand two military grave stones. They mark the resting place of William Holland (1834-1909) and William Harlan (1895-1979). William Holland began his life as a slave. I have created a brief…