Category: Uncategorized
The History of Commerce Union Bank of Rutherford County
Commerce Union Bank, once located at the present day Bank of America, 120 East Main Street, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, produced a booklet in 1980, written by Dr. Bob Corlew, dean of the School of Liberal Arts at Middle Tennessee State University. Dr. Corlew was also a leading member of the Rutherford…
Skatecenter of Murfreesboro
Rutherford painfully aware of heritage
John McGlone, The Daily News Journal, March 31, 1989 Commentary from Dr. John McGlone, Middle Tennessee State University Southerners are acutely – sometimes painfully – aware of their heritage, and Rutherford Countians are no exception. The 30th century is often perceived as too crowded, fast-paced, stressful and less genteel, while…
Bradley’s Creek Baptist Church 200th Anniversary
Happy 200th Anniversary: Bradley’s Creek Baptist
May 15, 2019, WGNS Radio This coming Sunday (5/19/2019) is a day that will long be remembered by the congregation at Bradley Creek Baptist Church in the Lascassas community. That flock celebrates a major milestone, a special 1:00 o’clock afternoon service is planned to celebrate their bicentennial. Their historic structure…
Campus School Celebrates 90-Years THIS Tuesday
April 13, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) Campus School celebrates its 90-year legacy from 4:00 until 6:00PM this coming Tuesday (4/16/2019) afternoon. Homer Pittard Campus School is located at 923 East Lytle Street, directly across Middle Tennessee Boulevard from MTSU. Former Principal and Friends of Campus School President Dr. Rita King…
The Iconic City Cafe on Tennessee Crossroads
State Farm Insurance Regional Office
State Farm Insurance Regional Office
Frank Caperton, April 2, 2019 State Farm Insurance has maintained a regional office in Murfreesboro since 1954. The following is a pamphlet that was distributed by the Data Processing department as a memento at the grand opening of the ‘new’ State Farm regional office location at 2500 Memorial Blvd., October…
The History of Commerce Union Bank of Rutherford County
Commerce Union Bank, once located at the present day Bank of America, 120 East Main Street, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, produced a booklet in 1980, written by Dr. Bob Corlew, dean of the School of Liberal Arts at Middle Tennessee State University. Dr. Corlew was also a leading member of the Rutherford…
Skatecenter of Murfreesboro
Rutherford painfully aware of heritage

John McGlone, The Daily News Journal, March 31, 1989 Commentary from Dr. John McGlone, Middle Tennessee State University Southerners are acutely – sometimes painfully – aware of their heritage, and Rutherford Countians are no exception. The 30th century is often perceived as too crowded, fast-paced, stressful and less genteel, while…
Bradley’s Creek Baptist Church 200th Anniversary
Happy 200th Anniversary: Bradley’s Creek Baptist

May 15, 2019, WGNS Radio This coming Sunday (5/19/2019) is a day that will long be remembered by the congregation at Bradley Creek Baptist Church in the Lascassas community. That flock celebrates a major milestone, a special 1:00 o’clock afternoon service is planned to celebrate their bicentennial. Their historic structure…
Campus School Celebrates 90-Years THIS Tuesday
April 13, 2019, WGNS Radio (MURFREESBORO) Campus School celebrates its 90-year legacy from 4:00 until 6:00PM this coming Tuesday (4/16/2019) afternoon. Homer Pittard Campus School is located at 923 East Lytle Street, directly across Middle Tennessee Boulevard from MTSU. Former Principal and Friends of Campus School President Dr. Rita King…
The Iconic City Cafe on Tennessee Crossroads
State Farm Insurance Regional Office
State Farm Insurance Regional Office

Frank Caperton, April 2, 2019 State Farm Insurance has maintained a regional office in Murfreesboro since 1954. The following is a pamphlet that was distributed by the Data Processing department as a memento at the grand opening of the ‘new’ State Farm regional office location at 2500 Memorial Blvd., October…