Category: Education
Huddleston’s aka ‘Pap’ Huddleston’s School, 1850-1892
MR. HUDDLESTON’S SCHOOL, called also “PAP” HUDDLESTON’S SCHOOL c1850-1892, was in the Readyville Community on the old Readyville-Woodbury Turnpike. The 1878 Beers Map shows the name as W. B. Huddleson. The schoolhouse was a one-room, cedar log building and was in the corner of the yard where Mr. Leslie Justice…
Clark’s School, (Christiana), 1896-1931
CLARK’S SCHOOL, 1896-1931, sometimes called SHORT CREEK SCHOOL, was located on Short Creek Road which turns east off the Christiana-Bell Buckle Road and crossed a ford over the Short Creek. About two or three hundred yards across the ford and on the north side of the road was the first…
Medling School, 1894-1900
MEDLING SCHOOL 1894-c1900 was on the west side of North Milton Road which runs north off State Road 96. The school was just north of the intersection of North Milton Road and Givens Road. Students from both Rutherford and Wilson Counties attended the school. The schoolhouse was a one-teacher, one-room,…
Burks Hollow School (Bradyville), 1847-1946
BURKS HOLLOW SCHOOL 1847-1945 or 1946 was located on Burks Hollow Road about two miles southwest of Donnell’s Chapel on the Bradyville Road. It was in the junction of Rutherford, Cannon, and Bedford Counties. On October 29, 1847, John W. Hutton deeded one acre of land to Common School Commissioners…
Roberts Academy
Walter Hill High School, 1924-1972
Crescent School, 1922-1937
La Vergne School, 1911-1949
Smyrna Female Academy 1838-c1867
Huddleston’s aka ‘Pap’ Huddleston’s School, 1850-1892

MR. HUDDLESTON’S SCHOOL, called also “PAP” HUDDLESTON’S SCHOOL c1850-1892, was in the Readyville Community on the old Readyville-Woodbury Turnpike. The 1878 Beers Map shows the name as W. B. Huddleson. The schoolhouse was a one-room, cedar log building and was in the corner of the yard where Mr. Leslie Justice…
Clark’s School, (Christiana), 1896-1931
CLARK’S SCHOOL, 1896-1931, sometimes called SHORT CREEK SCHOOL, was located on Short Creek Road which turns east off the Christiana-Bell Buckle Road and crossed a ford over the Short Creek. About two or three hundred yards across the ford and on the north side of the road was the first…
Medling School, 1894-1900

MEDLING SCHOOL 1894-c1900 was on the west side of North Milton Road which runs north off State Road 96. The school was just north of the intersection of North Milton Road and Givens Road. Students from both Rutherford and Wilson Counties attended the school. The schoolhouse was a one-teacher, one-room,…
Burks Hollow School (Bradyville), 1847-1946

BURKS HOLLOW SCHOOL 1847-1945 or 1946 was located on Burks Hollow Road about two miles southwest of Donnell’s Chapel on the Bradyville Road. It was in the junction of Rutherford, Cannon, and Bedford Counties. On October 29, 1847, John W. Hutton deeded one acre of land to Common School Commissioners…